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Everyone knew that Twin Lannister hoped that his daughter could marry the crown prince. But that once fell in the dirt because the king answerd that he never would give away his son to a 'servants daughter'. Tywin was angry, he was so angry people were afraid of coming near him. That bethrothal came into an end.

The king wanted his son and daughter to marry to carry the Targaryen name further. But somehow the king allowed that to end. But that didn't mean the king didn't want a princess. There was only one other princess in Westeros. Dorne. And a princess he shall get.

Elia Martell was said to be a great dornish deauty. With big brown eyes, dark hair and with her dornish skin. Her mother was very happy with the match, even though she knew the king was mad she knew that the prince was a good man witch was only heard by, by the rumors about him.

When Elia heard that she was bethroed to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen she was happy. Of course she would be, any girl would. She could picture his face in her head. Silver haired with beautiful purple eyes. She could see him loved by the people. She could see her a queen by her kings side.

Sadly, it was only a dream.

She had heard of Aelinor Targaryen very often. Everywhere there was talk about her beauty and kindness. They said that the princess loved the common people, that she talked to them like highbornes. Elia had never met her, but juded by the rumers she knew, she was a great beauty. She suppose she was happy to finally meet her, she just hoped that Rhaegar didn't like his sister a bit too much. Elia was never one to hold grudes. She was too kind-hearted to do that. She just hoped that this marriage would not be a loveless one.

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Rhaegar Targaryen was fuming. When he heard about the betrothal to Elia Martell he was shocked. He didn't want to marry the dornish beauty. In his heart he wanted his beautiful sister. His kind and loving sister who would stand by him in every situasion. But in his mind he knew that it was wrong. He knew that the other Lords of Westeros would respect him less for it. The Lords of Westeros never liked the Targaryen incest.

He was clenched his hand until it began to draw blood. He knew he had to make his choise.

Duty or love.

It wasn't a shock to people if he wanted to marry his sister, sertently not his father. The mad king wanted to marry his son and daughter together. Rhaegar supposed it was because his father would marry his sister to him like a second wife. He didn't want that for his sister, despite his feelings for her. He had a duty, and he intended to do it.

Singing always helped him relax. Aelinor would always sing for Rhaegar if he was stressed. Knocking on Aelinor's door, he found himself hugging his sister hard when the door was opend.

"Are you okay brother" aked Aelinor in a whisper that only Rhaegar could hear. Rhaegar knew that his sister would do anything for him, to help others. Sometimes his sister was too selfless, always caring for people and taking the blame so that she would get punished instead of him. He sometimes wished she would stop being so selfless and have himself to blame for things.

"Father" Was the only thing that came out of his mouth. Aelinor knew not to ask further, so she just brought him to her bed and sat down with his head in her neck and let Rhaegar calm himself down. A few minutes later Aelinor looked down to see her Rhaegar sleeping. She smiled and laid him on her bed.

Sighting she walked to her balcony. Aelinor knew it was about the betrothal to her brother and Elia Martell. Aelinor did not have any feelings other than sisterly love towards Rhaegar. She knew that her brother had a bit different love towards her but she ignored it, she didn't want to have her own brother awkward towards her.

She looked out to the sun down that was happening. She knew that a betrothal for her would come up. One way or another. Aelinor did not want to marry anyone. But her mother always said that a princess was different from a lady. A princess should act regal, not a lady. She just hoped that her father wouldn't pick a bad bethrodal choice.

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𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫, 𝗃.𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 ✓Where stories live. Discover now