14. | RIDING

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14. | RIDING

 | RIDING__________________

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Aelinor threw her blankets off her and ran towards her mirror in front of her large bed. She quickly threw water on her face and changed her clothes into her pretty silver riding clothes. She then messily put her silky silver hair up in a bun, making it look like she didn't even try to make it pretty, which was true.

She grabbed her silver and black bow with her silver arrows and threw it on her back and then hurried out her chambers. She ran as fast as she could to get to the stables. But before she could however a familiar voice stopped her.

"Where are you going princess?"

She slowly turned around to find herself staring deep into Jaime's green emerald eyes. Quickly remembered herself she awkwardly tried looking behind her to save herself from embarrassment and a complicated moment.

Coughing nervously while staring in his eyes she quickly found herself annoyed and bored, "Im just going to the stables to get my horse and take her for a ride" Aelinor examined while throwing her hands up in the air more annoyed. Of course a kingsguard had to stop me. Jaime of all persons she could bump into.

Jaime gave her a unsure look, "I don't think that would be wise Princess Aelinor. You should be careful" Jaime began. Aelinor rolled her eyes obviously growing more annoyed at his presence and talking. "You know how dangerous it is for you princess that anyone, alas if people love you and adore you, could hurt you." Jaime continued amused while saying the word 'could' careful while trying to hide his smile.

Aelinor knew that Jaime could not stop her. Jaime know her better than that.

Aelinor shook her head, "I don't want to be rude Ser, but I really don't care." Aelinor said trying to hide her smirk growing in the corner of her mouth. She cached Jaime's eyes almost playfully before Jaime began speaking again.

"Then I should accompany you, so that you have someone to protect you" Aelinor wanted to chuckle at how stupid and cute Jaime sounded.

Aelinor chuckled quietly and shook her head downwards again, before looking up in his eyes almost as she was daring him to say otherwise, "Come if you must, but I will promise you this Ser Jaime." Aelinor said and saying the last words almost threateningly before laughing seriously, "I will be a pain in your arse"

Jaime took her challenge.


"I swear you have to bring your brother to court" Aelinor said with tears in her eyes as Jaime retold the one time Tyrion made a prank to their father and all their companions while saying, and showing that he cut his thumb off. Aelinor liked Tyrion, at least when Jaime talked about him. He seemed funny and witted witch that attracted her more to him as a friend.

Growing up Aelinor didn't really have any friends, only Rhaegar. But he was always busy with council stuff, because he is the heir. Aelinor had a brother but she longed after a friend, a girl friend. Aelinor know Tyrion isn't a girl but his personality paid off for that.

Jaime shook his head while laughing, "No Tyrion would never want to" Jaime grew quiet and muttered to himself, "At least that is what father tells him" It grew silent, the only sound they could hear was the people shouting and gasping at their princess.

Aelinor furred her brows in wonder, "Why would he? I mean I am the princess so I could order him to come here without your fathers consent." Aelinor said with a slight smirk curling in the corner of her mouth as she tried to hide it and act serious.

Jaime weakly smirked back, "Im sure you can. He have always wanted to see the dragon skulls" When Jaime was four and ten he found a crying five year old in his bed saying that the dragons were not real. Jaime had always told Tyrion to never give up on his dreams, and if he thinks they are alive then he can believe so. But Tyrion made the mistake at going to their father and ask him.

Aelinor smiled warmly at his response, "Then I would welcome him with open arms" Aelinor continued riding a bit faster then at the pace they were going originally, causing Jaime to ride a bit behind.

Jaime found himself smiling.


"How are you mother?"

It has been some days that the king announced that the queen was with child, again. The lords and ladies began feeling pity for their queen, though no one confirmed it, they all had heard the rumors of how he would take her at night when she miscarriages or gives a stillbirth. What they didn't know however that the queen was already six moons along. The queen claimed it was because of the chance at the child would miscarriage.

Rhaella gave her daughter a weak smile, "I am fine my dear, how are you?" Alinor knew that even with how weak and frail her mother was she would and could not ever admit to her children that she was feeling ill. Though Rhaella was sure they have noticed, but denies it anyway.

Aelinor stared at her bump for a minute before looking at her mother smiling sadly and nodded her head. She knew that she was tired, but Aerys demanded that she was to go out, he would not have the whole seven kingdoms know that the queen lies in bed waiting for a miscarriage again.

The king grew more paranoid by everyday that passes. He saw enemies everywhere and constantly burned people for both his own amusement and paranoia. He grew even thinner thinking that someone was to have poisoned his food. So, Rhaegar have taken it upon himself to be the leader at the counsel.

Aelinor curved her lips in a genuine smile and changed the tension in the room, "Do you think it will be a by or a girl, mother?" She questioned her voice thick with curiosity and excitement.

Rhaella shook her head with a small smile while bringing a hand to her belly, "I do think it will be a boy, a mother always know"

Aelinor's smile began fading off and she huffed playfully, crossing her arms on her chest, "I wanted a sister" Was all she said while pouting.

Rhaella chuckled genuinely and smiled widely at her daughter. In Rhaella's eyes Aelinor would be more then a princess, she would be a queen. After all, that is how it should have been, brother and sister wed. And Rhaella have to say that she was surprised when her brother-husband accepted her plea at them not marrying. Rhaella knew that the Targaryen-incest would bring more madness to the future, witch she don't want. She would not make more Aerys in the future.

"We all get what the Gods decide we get" Aelinor quirked up an eyebrow at the statement her mother made.

Aelinor gave out a small sigh while tugging at her dress and looking down, "The gods have no mercy, that's why their gods." She looked up at her mother, "They don't give mercy or accept forgiveness because then why is the world like it is? Full of injustice and lack of honor. The gods are never fair."

Rhaella's eyes stood up shocked at the statement her daughter made. Rhaella looked outside the window and sighed. She knew her daughter was right, as rash and blunt as it was.

She just hoped that this child would not grow up to be anything like its father.



𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫, 𝗃.𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 ✓Where stories live. Discover now