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Prince Viserys was the talk of the people. There were rumors that he did not survive, or that the king himself killed him. The Lords and Ladies in the Keep couldn't keep their excitement to meet the new prince. Aelinor supposed that it would be exciting if there was a new prince after years of trying for the Queen. To some Lords, an heir and a daughter were enough, but that was not enough for the King. Well nobody knows what the king is doing nowadays, he just seems to grow more and more madder by each day and he will likely grow more madder in the years if it's possible.

Aelinor was allowed to go out from her chambers, only if being accompanied by Jaime. The king demanded him to go with her, in fear of losing his daughter. Not that he'd care if she died but only to not be seemed as weak in the eyes of the lords and ladies in the realm.

Aelinor felt strangely calm while walking beside Jaime, even if she had feelings for Jaime. Aelinor never knew how it was like for Jaime though, and for that Aelinor shamed herself. She didn't even think of how this was for Jaime. But Aelinor was anything but brave enough to question it in front of him, so she just ignored the thoughts and continued to walk beside him.

Ever since Viserys had been born Aelinor would always visit him with Jaime. Aerys would not let the queen visiting him, in fear of her doing something to the children she births. Even thinking about it makes Aelinor laugh with disbelief.

Rhaella was heartbroken when Aerys told her that she would not be allowed to see him until he was older. She was however allowed to meet him only accompanied by his most trusted advisor. Which was Mater Pyrcylle and he would report back to the king. The king ignored everything his small council advised him, yet trusted the Maester who was strangely to loyal to the king. Every person would rather be loyal to someone else.

Aelinor came closer to the rooms her brother was on. There were three guards outside the chambers, they were holding their swords with a strong grip, waiting for someone to try attacking the newborn prince. As the guards noticed the princess they bowed and meet Ser Jaime's glance. Jaime nodded his head to them, signaling to them that she was allowed to be in the room. The guards had a very strictly ordered that no one would be allowed him unless the King himself or Aelinor accompanied by Ser Jaime. They opened the doors for her, allowing her to step inside the chambers.

She was met with a midwife holding a screaming prince close to her chest. As the days went by the new prince seemed like a handful, a true dragon indeed.

The midwife met Aelinor eyes and widened her eyes, afraid if she would be accused of not being a good and loyal midwife to the prince. "My princess, I am sorry but the little prince seems to not want to eat nor sleep. And I have changed his undergarments just a minute ago. I don't seem to know why he still cries"

𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫, 𝗃.𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 ✓Where stories live. Discover now