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The seven kingdoms had never been in such a bad state before. When Robert Baratheon arrived at King's Landing all he saw was dead bodies and the foul smell of king's Landing.

He went to the throne room and watched his distant family slayed. He got told it was Jaime Lannister, now called kingslayer who killed the Mad King. Elia Martell and her daughter Rhaenys dead. Along with Rhaella Targaryen who died in childbirth. Aegon, Viserys and the newborn baby Daenerys Targaryen flees to Essos. But it was not the thing who shocked him the most.

Aelinor Targaryen. A girl loved and cherished by the people. He could still remember her. He had thought himself in love with her in the begging of their friendship, but who wouldn't? She was beautiful-the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms. She was kind, amusing and selfless.

He would miss her. Even though he hated the Targaryens with all his heart, he could not hate Aelinor. His Lyanna. Dead. And if Aelinor has been alive, Robert wouldn't know what to do with her.

After the sack of King's Landing the Lannister's cleaned up the mess they made in the city and destroyed all the Targaryen sigils and banners, and replaced them with Baratheon ones.

All of Westeros knew of the fate of the Targaryen family, and how their precious princess died. They would still remember her, and call her the Queen of the people. They would forever remember her kindness and the school she built for the orphaned and children in Flea Bottom. If she had lived, maybe she would have done much more.

It was rumored that Aelinor Targaryen's ghost still walked around the halls, running and playing. Her laughter would be heard by many servants and haunt the seven Kingdoms forever.

They would forever hate the Lannisters.


But there was still many Targaryen loyalists alive. And they would swear that they would put Aegon Targaryen, rightful heir on top of the Iron Throne.

They were not forgotten.


I cringe whenever I read this book, so sorry if you did too!

I have made a new Jaime Lannister fanfic which is called 'Glitter & Gold' and I promise for whatever it is, it is certainly better then 'Halcyon'

Nevertheless hope you enjoyed and take a look on my other GoT fanfics (Robert Baratheon, Arthur Dayne, Rhaegar Targaryen all of them which I'm writing)

Also Thank you for nearly 60k it means so much ❤️

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