06. | THE TOWN

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06. | THE TOWN

•Aelinor always thought herself to be intellegent and funny

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Aelinor always thought herself to be intellegent and funny. Just looking at Jaime Lannister she can see why they call him one of the most handsome man in Westeros. Blonde-golden hair with striking green eyes and a muscular body any woman would faint over.

Love was so foregin to her that she really coudn't understand how she sees it. Aelinor knew that she was beautiful, no doubt. She knew that men found her beautiful and she knew that people called her the most beautiful woman in whole Westeros. Aelinor really couldn't care about those statements, she found herself to be beautiful yes, but she was more than a beautiful face.

Walking side by side with Jaime Lannister she finds herself more relaxed than she could ever be walking with someone else, even Rhaegar.

Jaime was funny and very easy to talk to. He would make up very funny and annoying comments about everything.

"What?! How did your father react?!" Aelinor questiond while trying to stop her giggels.

"He was so mad at Tyrion, but Tyrion was always the trublemaker and me and Tyring couldn't stop laughting for weeks. Father was furious that i laughted alond with him" Jaime laughter silently while thinking about his little brother he adored so much.

Jaime Lannister was not stupid. The second he laid eyes on Aelinor Targaryen he knew that the rumors were true. The most beautiful woman in Westeros, more so than his sister and she was a stunning woman.

Jaime felt that he could tell Aelinor everything yet he knew he would be stupid if he did. Cersei would scream and say that he put them in danger.

Yet he didn't care about what Cersei thought at that moment. All Jaime could think off was Aelinor and her pureness.

Walking slowly beside eachother they felt not acwardness but calmness that they both felt. "What do you think about the bethrodal?" Aelinor asks in a snmall voise while looking at the ground. "I know you did not want this, but i know your father couldn't really denie the king" she smiles softhly at the end. Aelinor knew a part of her liked the idea of marrying him. She liked Jaime and knew that over time she would grow to love him.

Jaime felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He knew that he would grow to love her. He knew that what he did with his sister was wrong. But he could not help himself. She was his better half and they came out togheter. Jaime felt a pang of guilt in his chest. That was what he told himself. He just couldn't let go of her, he was not ready.

"I am not botherd, i knew i would be wed off to someone, don't worry" He said smiling softly while he thought about a golden-haired woman. Jaime knew that the princess deserved better. A good-hearted woman who was so selfless and good that Jaime hated himself for his adultery.

Aelinor looked up at him and smiled. Then a idea thought jumped in her head and she felt exited. "Jaime would you like to come with me to the town"

Jaime furred his browes together. Why would she, a princess who has all she could wish for want to go out to the town? But he quickly brushed the thoughts he had away and nodded his head curiously.

The town was had the worst smell he had ever smelled before. It was awful, it smelled like sweat and sex all around. That didn't supeise Jaime though, he knew the condition in King's Landing.

Some of the soliders in the kingsquard followed after them a bit befind them, so they were allowed to speak freely. Aelinor was a bit aheed of Jaime, suddeny Jaime felt a kind of protectivness wash over him. He grapped the hilt of his sword and watched carefully.

He couldn't help but thinking that she would get hurt. He knew he was stupid.

It seemed like the people loved her, though he wouldn't doubt that considering her good heart and kindness.

Aelinor walked over to a orphanege. She loved to speak to the children, she knew that people was staring at her. She walked in to the orphanege and looked at all the children there.

She was horryfied, the children was even more skinnier then she rememberd.

"Oh!, Your Grace i am so sprry, if i knew you would have come i would have dressed the kids up more" the owner of the orphanege said panicing.

Aelinor smiled sofly at her and just giggeld and waved her hand. "Oh thats fine, i cane her i am your guest Miss" she walked over to the children and began playing with them. She talked to everyone and loved them all.

Then Aelinor noticed a small boy staring awe at her in the corner. When he noticed her staring at him he blushed and turned his head with an embarissing smile.

Smiling she walked over to the small boy and crunched down. "Hello, my name is Awlinor, what's yours?" She aked exitingly and took her fand toward him.

The boy looked starteld and gave her a adorable smile. "My name is Lucas your Grace" now noticing that Jaime had been waiting for her quite a while she stared at the boy with a wide smile plasterd at her face. "Call me Aelinor, Lucas. See what I have around my neck?" Lucas nodded "Well, that was a gift from my mother, queen Rhaella. I love this necklace and whenever i am scared i touch the necklace to my cheast and makes me feel much safer" Lucas listend closely and stared at her face as though she was an angel coming to save him. "Now i am giving ot to you, so you can feel safe" Lucas widend his eyes and shook his head and strarting to open his mouth but Aelinor silenced him with a hand. "I give this to you so you can give to somebody else in the future. If you know or see somebody that is afraid give the necklace to them and tell them exactly what i said, okay?" She smiled and took off her necklace and handed it to him.

Lucas stared up at her and began to giggle. "But i am a boy, i can't wear a girly-necklace" Aelinor laughted with him and hugged him close "be safe" she whisperd and smiled at him one more time before walking away.

That day the orphaned boy Lucas would never forget what happend and would grow up to be an amazing man in the future(but that's a other story)

Aelinor walked over to the owner and casted a sad smile to her. "I am going to send some food and better quality of clothes and ganes to the children, so that they coudl live comfortably"

The owner seemed taken back and then began to get tears in her eyes "Thank you so much, Your Grace. Your kindness will never be forgotten" Aelinor flashed her a happy smile and waved at the rest of the children before joining Jaime outside.

"That was truly something honrable you did my princess" Jaime said while smiling admirably at his bethroed. How was this peincess so perfect?

"It was nothing Jaime, i love to help out my people" Aelinor smiled as she walked into the formed crowed and waved at everyone.

"Still, it seems that you are quiet popular here Aelinor" Jaime said while he looked at the crowed that began looking at their princess.

When Jaime walked to his chambers he thought of how lucky he was for getting wed of to Aelinor. Any man would kill to be in his posistion.

At that moment he knew what had to be done.

And he was afraid that person would kill him.

𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫, 𝗃.𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 ✓Where stories live. Discover now