19. | AEGON

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19. | AEGON

 | AEGON_________________

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The fresh air was alarmingly cool, for being in the south. Fresh air was exactly what Aelinor needed that morning. Aelinor had a particular dream that had happened some couple of moons before. This time was the same. A white-almost dead man sat on the iron throne with bones as a crown on top on his head. But he couldn't even be called a man, he was terrifying and more a creature than a man. He was terrifying indeed. Aelinor didn't know why she had dreams of this creature, but she knew somehow they meant something at least.

Aelinor groaned at the bright light shining right in her face and pulled a pillow over her head as a shield. Aelinor carefully rose from her bed and stretched her arms over her head. She moaned softly and let out a huff. These nightmares makes me more tired than normal. She walked over to her closet hurrying on her gown. Normally Aelinor would have a handmaiden or two to help her, but Aelinor had put up a fight with her mother when she demanded she get one. Aelinor was never the one to be comfortable with being exposed in front of a stranger. The gown was a light green with delicate silver roses at the end of her dress going up to her chest, which suited her well with her silver and gold hair.

Aelinor wanted to visit the library to get some information on her dreams. She could think of them as white walkers or some other creature in the north. They did look like they were from the stories from the north.She was walking up the large stairs which brought her up to the library, with Jaime sharp on her heels.


"Its nothing here!"

Aelinor had spent the last three hours trying to find a book about her dream. So far she had only found information about white walkers, the first men but not a white walker king. Mabye the dream was just a dream though? Aelinor couldn't possibly know because of some dream. But yet Daenys the dreamer dremt of the doom of Valeryia and years later it happend.

Jamie holds his chuckle as he shifts on his chair uncomtarbly, obviously very tired of trying to read. Jaime had never been the brightest at numbers and words. "Are you sure you dont think its only a dream Aelinor? I mean it could be something else?"

Aelinor lets out a dramatic groan and throws her head onto the desk. "Yes, Jaime! I can't find anything!" Aelinor lifts up her head and looks at Jaime while holding a giggle. Aelinor had noticed Jaime's pained face when she asked him to accompanie her to the library. She knew by the way he furred his brow on the writing that be was likely not very bright at reading, possibly numbers as well. No wonder he dosen't want to become the Lord of the West. He dosent know how to
, and Aelinor knows how strict Lord Tywin can be. And when he finds out Jaime had bern struggiling with it for that long? Almost man grown? Then you best hope Lord Tywin have mercy. Which he dosent have.

Aelinor huffs again and closes the book, "This is stupid" before throwing it over the desk nearly hitting Jaime in the head.

Jaime blinked and falled off his chair before giving a groan of pain.

Aelinor's eyes widened and quickly walked over to Jaime and sat on her knees. She brought her hands to Jaime's face and looked into his emerald eyes looking for pain. And when Jaime didn't react Aelinor then burst into laughter. She had tears in her eyes as she brought her hands to cover her face while she cried of laughter.

Jaime cracked a smile before laughting along with her. They eventualy sat with their backs on the walls. A silence washed over them. But not a awkward one rather a peacful one.

Aelinor blinked and turned her head right to look at Jaime. "Jaime?" He turns his head and nods with a smile. "Do you know anything about a prophecy from Rhaegar?"

Jaime furred his eyes of confusion and shook his head. "No Aelinor. I have not heard Prince Rhaegar say anything about a prophecy"

Aelinor frowns in dissapointment before giving him a small smile. Jaime smiles back. And without them knowing, their hands are entwined.

They continue to stare at eachother in a peacful silence.


Aelinor sits comfterably on her chair, with a letter in her hands.


I hear you have asked for me. And before you worry yourself, yes I am quite fine. I lost a lot of blood, but I will live. Though I have no doubt that you already know the gender considering Rhaegar is on his way to Kings Landing, so you may have heard. But I want you to hear it from me. It was a boy. Oh, Aelinor, you just have to see him. He is his father through and through. He is an angel and I cannot wait to see you at Harrenhall and show you my Aegon. Rhaegar called him Aegon much to my displeasure. I wanted a new Targaryen name for him. There has been so many Aegon's now. How is the realm going to remember which is which? But enough about me. How are you? I have heard you have been in the company of the new Lady Lannister. I hear she is a beauty, best keep her away from King Aerys then. He had always had a quarrel with Lord Tywin.

I hope you are well Aelinor and we are going to meet soon.

Until then with all my love,


Aelinor blinks. She didn't think that Rhaegar was so demanding about naming him after Aegon the conquerer. She didn't know what was going on inside her brothers head. He isn't himself, not the Rhaegar she knows.

She sighs before rubbing her brows. Aelinor had been so tired lately. Those nightmares are only doing bad things. She makes a mental note to ask Master Pyrcylle about getting a draught that helps her sleep.

She stands up from her chair and changes into her silky nightgown. She brushed her hair slowly and finds herself staring at herself in the mirror. It goes a minute before she narrows her eyes at the mirror. She lets out a squal before quickly turning around. She sees nothing. She had thought she had seen that creature again.

She takes beep breaths and rubbed her eyes worriedly before walking quietly towards her bed. She lays down and sleep finally consives her.

She finds herself dreaming about golden and shiny hair with emerald eyes.

She finds herself dreaming about golden and shiny hair with emerald eyes

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𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫, 𝗃.𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 ✓Where stories live. Discover now