28. | NEWS

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28. | NEWS

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When the news of Rhaegar's defeat had reached King's Landing Aelinor had felt a pang of sadness and dread. Rhaegar was dead. He was dead. Her brother. Her other half. Dead. And now we are lost. Aelinor knew that something would happen and she would not let anything happen to her family. She would not let it happen. Not while she was here.

A part of her wanted to deny it. Rhaegar was not dead. He could not be. Rhaegar was supposed to live, despite his dishonorable act and stupidness. She felt her heart break of the last time she had spoken with him. She had told him that he would make a bad king. Even hinted that he would make an ever badder one than their father. She wanted to shout at herself for saying that. How could she? That was all anger. But Rhaegar would never know.

They say that Robert bashed his war hammer into Rhaegar's chest. His red rubies falling in the river at the trident. Blood flowing out of his chests, mouth and- Aelinor closed her eyes. She would not think about it. She couldn't. Not now. Aelinor felt her life being torn apart. From the day of the tourney at Harrenhall to her mother and Viserys leaving for Dragonstone and to Rhaegar's death. She felt her heart and breath quicken. She felt tears threatening to fall out, but pushed them away. She could not cry, for she feared if she did then she would never stop.

She could not help but wonder what would happen to her if she met with Robert. Would he kill her? Would he rape or hurt her? She shook her head. There is no way he is going to think about doing that....right? She just hoped that she would not be there if she was to meet him. She had met with his fury before and it was very scary. But Aelinor wanted to believe that Robert would not do anything to her. He was her cousin and friend.

Aelinor brushes her hand over her sword. She had kept it hidden from her father, in fear of him taking it from her. It was meant for her. She had a destiny. She knows it. But perhaps her destiny was being destroyed. How could she know?

Her delicate fingers brushing over the sharp edges before letting out a hiss. She had been so in her own thoughts and didn't notice her brushing her hand over the sharp edges. Aelinor quickly grabbed a small cloth and dabbed it over her finger, making the blood stop coming.

There had been some moons ago when she had noticed her dragon eggs were gone. She had went mad and nearly destroyed her whole chambers before a servant had come into her room. Someone had taken her eggs. Dragon eggs. They were gone. It would probably be Rhaegar as he was so obsessed over his prophecy or perhaps Varys. He could have heard it from one of his birds.

Shaking her head she went to find him.

"Lord Varys" Varys turned his head towards her and Aelinor saw a small grin at the end of his lips. Aelinor felt that he knew something she didn't.

Varys have a nod with his head,"Princess" He replied while unfolding his hands from the sleeves of his robe. "I heard about Prince Rhaegar's death. I am deeply sorry for his death" Aelinor didn't move but Varys continued. "And now with his defeat, if would not take long until Robert Baratheon's forces will march towards King's Landing"

𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫, 𝗃.𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 ✓Where stories live. Discover now