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 | DARKSISTER______________

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The departure to Dragonstone for their mother and Viserys had been a quick and rather stupid one. Her mother was heavily pregnant with child and her father had made the decision to send her off to Dragonstone. As her mother gave her a big hug with a peck on both her cheeks and told her to take care of herself she found herself crying uncontrollably and begging her not to leave in her mind. Parting from Viserys had been an even harder one. Viserys had begged her and crying hysterically not to leave him. Aelinor felt her heart break and she felt her tears falling down her face to her neck.

She had crunched down to his height and hugged him as tight as possible. She cupped one of her hands on his face and made him look into her eyes. "You must be strong now. Not only for yourself, but for our mother and unborn sibling. Can you do that for them?" Viserys nodded earnestly still holding Aelinor tight.

Aerys hadn't even bothered watching them off expecting that he didn't need to waste his time on unnecessary moments.

Aelinor however didn't fail to notice how her mother hold her handmaiden tight as she tried to walk straight. There had been rumors about how the king had taken her so roughly that the queen had screamed and begged him to stop even more loud than usual. They had also explained her bruises and scratches on her thighs and lower body. Aelior was just glad that her mother was away for now and could recover without the king nearby.

Aerys has not allowed Aelinor to accompany them, he wanted her at his side. Aelinor didn't know why but she didn't want to think about it eighter. Aerys had also demanded Elia and the children being sent back to court some moons back. He wanted to make sure the dornish would not betray him. And considering how much Dorne loves their princess, it could not come one doubt in Aelinor's mind that the dornish would betray them and risk her life with Aegon and Rhaenys.

Lord Tywin however, hadn't made a single movement or announcement about who he is going to back against. That only made Aerys madder by the days that goes by. Aerys had constantly been sending letters about sending his army to Kings Landing and help them if needed, but Lord Tywin had not answered any of them. That had set Aerys into a fit stage ever time.

Aelinor often found herself lonely. Though, she had Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon. But Elia was being held in her chambers alongside Rhaenys and Aegon, only occasionally allowing Aelinor to enter. She had met with Jaime most times but she eighter ignored him or brushed him off. And today was no different.

Walking through the dark labyrinth halls with Jaime just a few steps behind, Aelinor finds herself tracing the stone walls and finding them quite warm. Aelinor often spends her time wondering the halls, thinking of the War and the situation with Lord Tywin but she mostly thinks about Rhaegar.

He still left her. Her. In the Red Keep where she had expressed herself telling him she wanted out and explore and see the world. Though it seems those words only went through one ear and went out the other. Aelinor would never in her lifetime forgive Rhaegar. Sure, she could forgive him one day but she will never forget.

𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫, 𝗃.𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 ✓Where stories live. Discover now