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 | JAIME LANNISTER———————————

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"You will marry Jaime Lannister"

As soon as those words left her fathers lips she began panicking inside. Aelinor felt her insides twist, suddenly she felt the urge to puke.

Jaime Lannister.

He was said to be hansome, the boy version of his twin- Cercei. Golden-haired and a very good swordsman. Aelinor had never seen Jaime Lannister before. She hoped that she would never. She liked to be in Kings Landing where her people was. She couldn't possibly leave the people that counted on her. She didn't want to live in Casterly Rock the rest of her life, she wanted to spend the rest of her life traveling and learning new things. She wanted to help other people that needed her.

"-am I clear? She snapped her head up to him and nodded on her head and mumbled a quiet 'yes father'.

She needed to talk to someone- anyone. But Aelinor didn't want to talk to Rhaegar and truble him more.

Walking towards the door and knocking silently, she found her way to her mothers chambers. Aelinor heard the rumors, she had heard that the King raped her everytime he burns somebody. Aelinor's mother was always regal. She hid her pain well, even though everyone knew what the king did to her. Some people admired her for that but most people pitied her.

"Mother, father wants me to marry Jaime Lannister" she spoke quietly and headed towars her mother. Rhaella had a sad smile on her face, she understood but she knew that sending her away to Casterly Rock qould be the best for Aelinor.

"Aelinor, you must keep your head up. You know how your father is, i don't want you around him you must understand that" her mother had tried to tell her. Her mother had a guilty look on her face. Rhaella knew that her daughter would be mad at her. She knew how she loved the people and her brothes.

Aelinor looked shocked and blincked her eyes for a second and then turned her face to a sad face. Aelinor knew now that her mother had something to do with this.

"You did this mother" Rhaella was almost in tears but kept it in her. "All this time i tell you that i dont want to be promiesd to someone and yet you ask father to bethroed me to him" Aelinor was almost shouting with tears in her eyes at the end of that sentence.

Her mother pulled Aelinor in a thight imbrace and whisperd softly in her ear. "It will get better i promise. Jaime Lannister is a good boy, he will love you, or at least grow to love you. You must be strong okay?"


"Aelinor Targaryen" Jaime questioned with a confused expression on his face. Jaime had heard all about Arlinor Targaryen. The rumors had been said that she was stunning, beautiful and the most beautiful woman in Westeros. Jaime had also heard that the princess was kind-hearted and loved to help her people.

Tywin Lannister looked almost bored, that could fool anyone but his son and heir. Tywin Lannister was filled with excitement when he heard that the king wanted to marry his daughter off to Jaime. He wanted his daughter- Cercei to be married off the the crown prince, but this will also do. Tywin had not forgotten the time the king rejected his offer and didn't want to marry his son to a 'servants daughter'. That day was not the best day for Tywin.

"Yes, Jaime. Aelinor Targaryen will be your bride and you will do your duty. She is said to be the most beautiful woman in Westeros, you should be happy about this agreement, I could have married you off to a wench my now" Tywin stared at his son with a cold face before ordering him out.

Jaime was angry. That was one way to put it. He didn't want the princess even though she was said to be the most beautiful woman in Westeros. Jaime wanted Cersei. He wanted his golden haired twin sister. He didnt care about the princess. Jaime thought that no one could be more beautiful as his sister.

Sitting in his chambers, he stared to the wall in silence. He was waiting.
He was waiting that night as he always does. The door opend slightly and soft tapping sound of shoes could be heard.

"Jaime" a small and quiet voice said. Jaime smiled and suddenly he was happy again. He was always like this with Cersei.

Jaime stood up abruptly and pushed Cersei on the wall, trapping her with his strong hands and kissing her. "I've missed you Cersei" She smiled. She always knew Jaime would be glad to see her.

Suddenly Jaime rememberd the bethrodal. His face grew to a much expression-less face. Cersei noticed and orderd him to tell her what it was.
"I'm bethroed to Aelinor Taryen" suddenly it was very quiet in the room.

Cersei was fuming. She couldn't even think propertly.

Aelinor fucking Targaryen.

Cersei had seen her in the Reed Keep. She had been jealous. Aelinor Targaryen was the most stunning woman she had ever seen. No doubt more stunning then herself.
"What" Cersei asked in a small voice that Jaime could easily recognice. Anger.

"I am bethroed to her. Father told me just now. I don't want Aelinor Targaryen Cersei. I want you, you know that"

"When you fuck her at the bedding, you will think of only me." Cersei said in a demanding voice while pulling her hand up to Jaime's hair and pulling him towards her lips agressivly. She slowed down and kissed him softly before pushing his chest and walked out angrily.

Jaime sighed. He hoped that it wouldn't be a dreadful marriage.

𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫, 𝗃.𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 ✓Where stories live. Discover now