22. | LOYAL

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22. | LOYAL

 | LOYAL________________

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The recovery of Jaime had surprisingly been fast one. That had only been good for him. The king of course wanted his kingsguard back to protect his daughter again, even though he failed to do that. But the King insisted that the other kingsguard members protect him and the rest of his family. The journey to Harrenhall would happen in two moons, so that only meant that Jaime would join them.

The tourney was said to be the most faboulos tourney there will ever be. All the houses will be there, even the Starks who never go utside the Noth unless it's a royal command from the King. Yet, Lord Rickard had made southern betrothals for his firstborn son and daughter, that would explain why he would also join the tourney. It would be best to look into the different houses now that you have made very secured betrothals with two of the seven kingdoms.

Lord Tywin and Lad Amelia had returned to Casterly Rock some moons before the second attempt on her murder, much to her fathers annoyance. The king wanted to gloat to his former friend that he had his heir but got very displeased when he heard that the Lady Amelia had birthed a son, Julian.

Aelinor was surprised to say the least. Now that Lord Tywin had an heir, he wouldn't need Jaime anymore and would let him stay at the kingsguard. It was also oddly weird that Jaime now had a half-brother. Yet, Jaime expressed that he never wanted to be a Lord with titles and have a duty only to carry the Lannister legacy further.

"Mother, how are you?". Aelinor asked her mother worriedly. Aelinor had known that her mother had been devastated when only a wet nurse could be with Viserys. It was very suprising that she even managed to birth this child healthy and not miscarried him or have him born stillborn. Her father had been overjoyed, if he was a normal loving husband people would understand why you would be overjoyed.

But Aerys only wanted more children from Rhaella and pressured her to it. Aelinor was certain that her father plan to make Viserys his heir.

Her mother smiled sadly, as she always does, "I am fine. I was going to see Viserys again, care to join me?"

Aelinor smiled widely as she nodded her head, "Of course!"

As Ser Barristan followed after them, the mother and daughter began talking. Talking about everything a mother and daughter would do.

"Mother?" Aelinor asked her mother quietly.

Her mother glanced at her daughter as she gave a nod at her head with a smile.

Aelinor gave a shaky breath before asking, "Have you ever loved anyone, mother?"

Her mother looks shocked for a second before her expression tuned sad. "Yes I did" She began telling her and abruptly stopped to let the guards open Viseys's Chambers. "He was a knight, Bonnifer was his name. Handsome, kind and strong. Though he was more of a childish crush more then anything else, I suppose. I was only one-and-three, I didn't know what love was. Not that I know what it is now, eighter. Never had the chance too" She continued shaking her head lightly. They walked over towards where Viserys laid in his crib. Rhaella waved her hand to the wet nurse, dismissing her. Rhaella laid Viserys on her lap while stroking his cheek. Aelinor smiled at them both. She loved them.

𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫, 𝗃.𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 ✓Where stories live. Discover now