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"Lets go Elena!"

Alice tried to hurry her friend to the car. Rosalie and Alice of course were already at the car and we're waiting for Elena who was trying to keep up. The Swan girl was struggling to walk to the car with almost five bags on each arm and two large bags in her hands.

"Sorry but I'm not used to shopping this much." She finally made it to the car where Rosalie and Alice took some of the girl's bags away and placed them in the car.

"Well you're our friend now so you're going to have to get used to it." Alice smiled brightly to her friend.

"This also costed a whole bunch of money which I will have to pay you back for." Elena slid into the backseat of the car while the Cullen girls were in the front.

"Yeah right." Rosalie scoffed. Elena looked down sadly not knowing if Rosalie liked her or not or even meant what she said in a bad way. "I didn't mean it like that. Like Alice said, you're our friend. If we want to buy you things you're going to let us." Rosalie looked at Elena in the rear view mirror.

Elena gave her a shy smile back and just sighed. "I guess. But we're going to discuss this another time." The girls laughed at her before driving in the direction of the Swan home.

"What are we doing here?" Elena asked confused. She thought she was going to eat at the Cullen household and was secretly very excited about it.

"We're going to help you take your things inside and then we'll head out to our place." Alice spoke before stepping out of the car.

Rosalie and Elena followed her and together they looked through each bag to get Elena's things and try to fit them into as less bags as possible.

Elena opened the door that led the three up to her room and turned on the light. The sun was starting to set making the room look a bit orange but for the most part it looked pretty decent and clean in her eyes.

Elena walked over to the wall where her window seat was and dropped the bags.

"Wow." Elena looked at the two girls who were staring around the room in awe.

"My dad cleaned out this entire attic and remodeled it for me. There's a bathroom and a closet. My friend Jake helped him decorate it as well." Elena had taken some of the bags from the girls and placed them next to the ones she already had set down.

"I can put all this up later. Let's eat I'm starving!" Elena rubbed her stomach causing Alice to laugh and Rosalie let out a small smile.

The three girls left Elena's house and drove as quickly as they could humanly drive without having the Human in the back seat freak out.

Once they arrived they stepped out of the car and Elena was left in a state of Awe. The Cullen household was amazing to Elena Swan. It was big and had mainly Glass Windows covering the outside walls.

It was just beautiful.

"Are you coming?" Rosalie called out to the human girl who stared up at the house.

Elena's attention changed to the blonde girl who was standing at the front of the house staring at her. Elena nodded and tried to look around for Alice because the girl tended to disappear a lot. "Alice is inside. Come on. I could hear your stomach growling from here." Rosalie held her hand out for the girl.

The Swan Twins / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now