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Elena knocked on the door to the Cullen house. The door slightly swung open causing the Swan girl to gasp.

"Alice?" She called out as she stepped inside.

"Rosalie?" She called out. When she didn't have an answer she called out again. "Esme? Emmet? Carlisle?"

Elena closed the door behind her before walking up the stairs in the Cullen home.

"Alice told me to come by so I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She kept talking out loud hoping to get someone to answer her.

"Edward?" She walked from the living room to the kitchen and saw no one. Elena made her way upstairs before opening the first door she found.

"Jasper?" The boy turned around as he noticed the girl in the hallway.

"Elena? I'm sorry I didn't hear you." Jasper looked out the window as if he was glaring at something.

"I'm sorry. Alice told me to be here but shes not here I guess. I should go." She started to close the door but was stopped.

"No!" Elena looked at him. "I mean. She won't be back till later. Some last minute thing she forgot about. And for some reason my family left me behind when they all decided to run errands. At the same time." He grumbled.

"Oh. I could leave if you want the place to yourself? I know I shouldn't have came in and the front door was open. Although what girl goes into a home with the door open and no one answering? Dumb ones I'll tell you that." She laughed nervously. "I should just leave."

"You're fine Elena. Come in." He motioned for her to walk in the room.

The first thing Elena noticed was that there was no bed in sight. "Don't you sleep?" She asked. Jasper's eyes widened but he quickly answered her.

"I happen to be a night owl." He answered. "I stay up and read or watch tv with Emmett usually. I sleep on this couch," he motioned to the small couch he had in his room, "or downstairs when I do sleep."

"But don't you and Alice like," Elena hesitated not wanting to seem stupid, "share a room?"

"Share a room?" He looked at her in question. "Why would we-" He trailed off knowing exactly what she meant. "Oh you think we? No." He chuckled.

"Everyone seems to think you two are or at least that's what I've been told." Elena rubbed her arms awkwardly.

Jasper walked towards her and grabbed her arms and placed a hand under her chin to get her to look up at him. "Alice and I, were not dating." Elena visibly looked relieved and Jasper could feel the excitement radiating off of her. "She's my best friend. She's helped me through difficult times throughout my life and I have no idea where I'd be without her." He stared at the girl now knowing why she was always awkward around the two when they were together.

"Oh. Well that's cool." Elena was lost in his eyes. It seemed like they changed color sometimes. His eye color varied on days. Sometimes they were a golden hazel, sometimes they were dark almost black but right now his eyes were bright gold and Elena couldn't seem to look away from them.

She could feel his breath upon her face and did not manage to notice how close together her face was to his. Her eyes immediately flickered down to his lips and in the moment she wanted to kiss them. She wanted to feel if his lips were soft and be able to smile as she kissed them.

It seemed as time wasn't moving because she could see him inch closer and closer to her. This was her dream coming true and she didn't know what to do. Her eyes slowly began closing and Jasper's did as well. Jasper didn't know what was happening but knew it was the pull she had on him. Elena felt his lips slightly brush hers before she heard the front door open and someone call out.

"We're home!"

Elena immediately pulled away flustered and looked anywhere but at the boy in front of her who looked visibly annoyed at his brother. Elena cleared her throat before talking.

"I-uh-I should go see if Alice is with him." Before he could blink Elena was out of the room and Jasper was extremely pissed at his brother for ruining the moment.

"Emmett!" Alice hissed at him.


"Hey." Elena appeared at the bottom of the stairs and greeted the three siblings.

"Elena? Elena!" Emmett said in realization.

Alice shook her head and smacked him. "Way to go Emmett." She whispered knowing he could hear her.

"Elena! I'm so sorry. I had a last minute errand to do and Emmett and Rosalie tagged along. Emmett of course wanted to look at everything and anything so I was late. Anyways, Rose come on let's go to my closet." The three noticed how flustered the young human was but chose not to bring it up to her.

Alice dragged Elena up the stairs but not before she heard Rosalie scolding Emmett. "Way to go doofus!" She growled before following the other two girls up the stairs and too Alice's extremely large closet.

The Swan Twins / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now