Elena and Bella pulled open the door and entered the room. Immediately they heard their mothers voice.
"Bella? Bella? Bella where are you?" Both girls took off in a run to find their mother and when they got to the door he voice was coming from they heard her continue talking normally and a small voice as well.
"Bells?" Elena asked standing behind her sister.
Bella pulled Open the doors and saw a tv playing a video of Bella and their mother from a day at the ballet studio.
"Hahaha." The girls heard a menacing voice from behind them. Immediately Bella grabbed Elena and pulled her behind herself.
"Haha. Well that's my favorite part." James walked out and looked at the girls. "A stubborn child weren't you? Hm."
"She's not even here." James grabbed both girls by their throats and pushed them up against the wall.
"Sorry. You know, but you really made it too easy. So to make things more entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together. I borrowed this from your house I hope you don't mind." He let go of Elena and pulled out a camera.
"Elena if you try to move one step I'll snap your sisters neck. Good girl. And action. This will break Edward and Jasper's little heart." He let go of Bella and recorded her first.
"Edward has nothing to do with this!" Bella shouted.
"If you touch Jasper I swear." Elena took a step towards him but he took a step towards Bella letting the younger twin know he was serious about killing her.
"Their rage, when I kill the two of you, will make for a more interesting sport than their feeble attempt to protect you." He had a sadistic smile on his face as he pushed Bella back into the wall. Elena didn't know if he would kill her sister quickly or not but she couldn't take the chance to attack with him so close to Bella.
"Let's continue." He backed away from Bella and kept the camera on her. Bella quickly sprayed him with pepper spray and Elena jumped in and kneed him in his groin. She wasn't going to lie it probably hurt her more than it hurt him at all.
The girls took off together and tried to make a run for it but they didn't get very far. James grabbed a hold of Elena's jacket and threw her back to where they originally were. She hit the glass and fell to the floor. She could feel the blood rushing to her head. She couldn't think straight with the pain in her upper body.
"Bella!" She cried out as she saw her sister get thrown into a wall.
"Oh don't worry sweet heart I'm coming for you next. You're not as strong as you think." His attention turned back to Bella. "Beautiful. Very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well."
Elena groaned from the pain in her body but tried to use her arms to pull her back up. She screamed out in pain from a burning sensation in her leg. She could see a huge piece of glass in her thigh. "Mother fucker." She hissed as she tried to pull it out of her leg.
Elena heard Bella scream and immediately she turned to her. His hand was on her leg and Elena could only assume it's now broken. "Get away from her." Elena stood up and tore out the piece of glass from her leg. She held it in her hand and made her way over to the two.
She ran and tackled him to the floor and tried to shove the piece of glass in him. It barely pierced his skin. "Think you're tough huh?" James had a wild look in his eyes and he smirked. He grabbed the girl by her throat and threw her across the room. She braced herself but impact but was met with a cold body catching her before she hit the wall again.
"I got you." He whispered as he set her down quickly but gently. Elena never thought she'd be so happy to see Edward but there he was.
"Protect Bella!" He didn't hesitate to run over and tackle James again once the rogue tried to run to Bella again. Edward was distracted and got thrown into a wall with James leaning on him. "Get her out of here Edward!" He threw James off of him and ran to Bella. He paused for a moment but in that small moment James got up ready to attack.
Elena was fading in and out from all of the blood she was losing. "Bella." She whispered. Bella had fallen and was howling in pain. "Bella." Elena tried to drag herself closer to her sister as best as she could and keep fighting to stay awake.
"Elena!" Bella screamed out for her sister. She could see Elena getting closer but her vision was fading. She had been bitten by James and her wrist was on fire.
"Elena!" A familiar voice shouted. Not a second later did she see Jasper's face in front of her. He turned her over on her back and caressed her face. She could see how upset he was, if he could cry he would probably be doing so now. "Elena I'm so sorry." He was pissed. Not at her but at Edward for not waiting for them.
"Go. I'll be fine." Jasper looked at her wounds and that's what the intoxicating smell of her blood hit his nose. He wanted nothing more than to let his instincts take over and drain her of her blood but he fought it. Harder than he ever did before. He growled and ran to his family to get rid of that sadistic bastard once and for all.
Elena was finally calm. She knew her sister would be safe and she had seen Jasper's face once last time. She let her eyes shut and she drowned out all of the sounds around her and fell asleep.

The Swan Twins / Twilight
FanfictionElena Swan is the younger fraternal twin sister of Bella Swan. Elena has always been close with her father Charlie so when Bella suggested they stayed with him for a while because their mother wanted to travel with their stepdad Elena would not ref...