twenty five

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"Welcome to the hotel."

Alice thanked the man at the desk and the four teenagers went up to their extremely big room.

"What exactly are we doing here?" Elena asked as she put her bags down.

"Yeah. We could go to the house it's not that far." Bella added.

"You need to rest." Alice ordered.

"Can we at least order food?" Elena groaned.

Jasper chuckled and sped over to give her the menu laying on the table. "I'm still mad at you." She took the paper from his hand and sat down next to her sister.

"Sure you are." He kissed the top of her head. She playfully glared at him. You didn't need to have his power to know Elena wasn't mad. She stood by his side the second the were out of the car and he had carried her bags for her to their suite. Elena was looking through it when she heard a gasp in the room.

"What is it? What do you see?" Jasper moved to Alice.

"The tracker. He just changed course."

"Where Alice?" Jasper leaned over and grabbed a pencil and paper for her to draw out what she could see. Elena and Bella has made their way over and stood in front of the Cullen siblings.

"Mirrors. A room full of mirrors."

"Edward said the visions weren't always certain." Bella spoke up.

"It's shows the course people are on when they're on it." Jasper explained. "They change their minds the vision changes."

"So the course the trackers on now is gonna lead him to, a ballet studio?" Elena asked as she looked at the drawing.

"You've been here?" Alice asked. Both siblings stared at her and Bella answered for her.

"We took lessons as a kid. The school we went to had an arch just like that." Bella pointed to the arch in the drawing.

"Was your school here in Phoenix?" Jasper looked between his mate and her sister.

"Yeah." Bella immediately moves away with her phone buzzing in her hand. "Edward are you okay?" Elena heard her sister ask.

"So what are we going to do?" Elena asked.

"We're going to leave that's what." Jasper stood up and hugged his mate.

"Why can't we go to our house or back home?" Elena sighed leaning into his arms.

"Sweetie we just want to keep the two of you protected. We know he smelled Bella but the second he knows your human too, you could be in danger." As Alice spoke, Jasper's grip on his mate tightened slightly.

"Okay. You two go Bella and I need to talk about her idiocy issues." Jasper held a small smile on his face and looked at his mate who was visibly disappointed.

"Yes ma'am." He kissed her forehead and left with Alice to talk to the front desk.

"Bella!" Elena called. She found her sister packing her things back up.

"What did Edward say?" Elena leaned against the wall staring at her sister.

"That he wants me safe and that he's coming to get me." She shrugged.

Both girls were upset. They knew what they were getting into but still it was a bit much for them. "Do you think Charlie's okay?" Bella sighed. She knew she hurt his feelings and if she could tell him everything he would understand why.

"I think Edward is right. He's our father. He's going to forgive you." Elena hugged Bella and the two enjoyed their embrace. Bella's phone started vibrating on the table. "Home?"

Bella answered quickly. "Hey mom, glad you got my message. What are you doing home?... Calm down everything's fine.... I'll explain everything later... mom are you there?" When Elena noticed her sisters eyes widen she knew something was wrong. "Don't touch her!"

Elena grabbed the phone out of her sisters hand. "Who is this!?"

"If it isn't Little Elena. I'm surprised I didn't catch your scent when we met. Then again I guess your boyfriend cares more about you than your sister's does about her."

"What do you want creep?"

"Now I thought you were the friendly one. The younger but more outgoing sibling. Your mom talks about you a lot."

"You don't know a damn thing about her? If I find out you've touched her in any way-"

"Little Elena always defending her family. Being the youngest is tough isn't it? Always looking out for others when it should be the other way around. You want to protect your little boyfriend from getting his head ripped off? You want to save your mother? I suggest you and your sister come meet me."


"How about your old ballet studio? I'll know if you bring anyone along. Don't want poor mommy to pay the price for that mistake."

James hung up and let the girls decide what's more important. Their mother or their safety.

"He wants us to go to the ballet studio and save mom." Elena grabbed a jacket and started walking.

"Elena! How are we supposed to fight him off? He's a vampire. We're just human."

Elena rolled her eyes, "you know Bella being human isn't all that bad. Don't underestimate yourself." She tossed a can of pepper spray at her sister and they proceeded to leave the room but Elena turned around and grabbed a paper and a pencil.

She quickly wrote on it that they love the Cullens but their mom needs them. Together Bella and Elena snuck out of the hotel and caught a cab to the ballet studio.

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