Emmett had the remote to the television and was watching the game along with Jasper and Elena.
Alice was painting her nails along with Rosalie.
Carlisle and Esme were playing chess together while laughing silently.
After the game ended Emmett went to tease the girls about their nail colors earning him a glare from his mate.
"Jasper." She whispered as quietly as possible. He looked at her knowing she had a question to ask him.
"Would now be a good time to ask?"
"Ask what?" Emmett's voice boomed against the walls.
"Elena wants to know how we all became what we are today." Jasper explained as he put his arm around the human. She immediately leaned her back onto him and nodded slowly.
"All you had to do was ask Honey." Esme smiled.
"It's not bad to be curious Elena. You know that." Carlisle stood up from his spot and sat on the couch with Esme on his lap.
"Exactly Elena." Alice appeared next the the couple. Rosalie and Emmett sat next to their family looking at Elena.
"I guess I will start." Carlisle cleared his throat. "I was born in the year 1640." Elena's eyes widened. "Yes Elena that long ago." He chuckled before continuing on with his story. "23 years later in 1663 is when I was turned into a vampire. Of course I was by myself for a while until I met the Volturi. After spending twenty years with them I decided the life they were living was not the life I wanted to live. I did not want to feed off of Humans and decided to try and live off of animals. It worked and I've been on that 'diet' ever since. A few hundred years later I met Esme and the second I saw her I knew that she was the person I wanted to be with forever." Elena smiled at the two who couldn't keep their eyes off each other.
"Of course we were never together until ten years later when I turned her into a vampire. Before that I had met Edward a few years prior. On his death bed was when I decided he needed to be saved and I could give him that. He rebelled against Esme and I for a while because of the way we chose to live but came to his senses and realized this was the best way to live. After that came Rosalie. When I turned her I thought I was doing what was best for her without taking her feelings into consideration." Rosalie took her fathers hand and gave him a smile.
"It's okay Carlisle."
He took a deep breath and kept going, "Rosalie then brought Emmett to us after seeing his condition and she begged for us to turn him and we did. Twenty years later Alice and Jasper came and joined us fully forming our coven. Together we've been traveling the world and living as best as we could without actually living." Esme held her husbands hand and smiled at him.
"My turn. I was born in Ohio in the year 1895. My name was Esme Anne Platt. The first time I remember meeting Carlisle Cullen was when I was sixteen. I was climbing a tree and I slipped and fell, breaking my leg. Carlisle was my attending doctor at the time and I couldn't help but think of how handsome this man was. Eventually I realized nothing would ever happen between the two of us and I moved on to a man named Charles. He was extremely abusive to me and when I became pregnant I fled. After my child's birth I only had a very short time with him. He passed away in my arms. At the time I thought I had nothing to live for and I jumped off the highest cliff to try and end my life. When I was brought into the hospital Carlisle turned me and I couldn't be any happier than I am now with my family." Elena couldn't help but let a few tears out at Esme's story.

The Swan Twins / Twilight
FanfictionElena Swan is the younger fraternal twin sister of Bella Swan. Elena has always been close with her father Charlie so when Bella suggested they stayed with him for a while because their mother wanted to travel with their stepdad Elena would not ref...