"Hear me out."
Bella barged into her sister's room scaring her.
"Bella!" Elena yelled as her lipstick smeared on her cheek.
"Sorry. But listen. I was thinking about what Jake told me the other day at the beach. He was calling the Cullen's pale faces and saying maybe they moved back after a long time. I know this is going to sound crazy but I think they might be not human." Bella sat on her sister's bed.
Elena finally finished cleaning the lipstick off of her before turning to her sister. "Okay Bells, I think you've lost it and I'm taking away you're computer." Elena quickly reapplied her lipstick before looking at herself in her full length mirror.
The sun was out today which was a surprise to both girls since the sun hardly every appears in Forks, Washington.
Elena was wearing black leggings with a white crop top. She tied her red flannel around her waist and nodded to herself.
"I'm serious. I'm going to look into it more. There's absolutely no way Edward could've stopped that van from hitting me. Even with an adrenaline rush Lena!" Bella sighed loudly.
"Look. Bella, I love you and all. But please they're normal people just like us. You've got to let it go at some point." Elena grabbed her back pack and her white converse.
"Elena if I'm right about this-"
"Which you're not." She cut it.
"If I'm right, then you owe me 50 bucks."
"Bella. Where the hell am I supposed to get 50 bucks from?" She asked her sister.
"Hell if I know. You figure that out once you realize that I am right." Bella stood up and followed her sister outside so they could leave for school.
Lunch time came upon the school and Elena had yet to spot any of the Cullen siblings. Elena hasn't told her sister what happened between her and Jasper because, well, she herself didn't know what happened.
Bella and Elena were sitting down. Elena was trying to finish some last minute homework while Bella was looking around for Edward.
"He's not here." Jessica gained the attention of the Swan twins. "Whenever the weathers nice the Cullens disappear."
"What they just ditch?" Bella asked the girl sunbathing in front of them.
"No um, Doctor and Mrs Cullen yank them out for like hiking and camping and stuff. Tried that out on my parents, not even close." Elena felt a girl sit next to her and looked up.
"Guys! I'm going to the prom with Eric. I just asked him, I took control." She was beaming with happiness and Elena couldn't help but hug her.
"That's amazing Ange!" She smiled.
"I told you that would happen." Bella hugged the girl.
"Are you two sure you have to go out of town?" Angela asked looking between the two girls. Elena remembered the lie her sister told her because Mike tried to ask Bella to prom and for some reason Bella didn't know how to say No directly.
"Yeah, it's a family thing." Elena answered for her sister.
"Okay well we should go shopping in Port Angeles before all the good dresses get cleaned out." Typical Jessica. Always wanting to be the center of attention.
"Port Angeles? Do you mind if I come?" Bella asked Jessica.
"Yeah I need your opinion." Angela laughed.
Elena knew that since her sister was going she'd inevitably be forced to go as well. She closed up her textbook with her work still inside and followed the three girls indoors to head to their own classes.
Jessica and Angela were trying on dresses and of course Elena was complimenting them on how wonderful they looked.
"Miss." The lady who runs the shop called out to her. All four girls turned to the shopkeeper who smiled at Elena. "I have a dress for you." She motioned the girl over. Elena was hesitant at first but Jessica and Angela shoved her away.
"I'm sorry but I'm not dress shopping." Elena spoke shyly.
"Nonsense. You could try them on you know. It's apart of a girls life." The shopkeeper handed Elena a beautiful Maroon dress. "Go!" The lady shoved her into a dressing room before disappearing.
Elena hesitated at first but put the dress on and went to her sister and friends. "Wow." Angela said with her eyes open.
"That looks amazing." Jessica breathed.
"Wow Lena. Didn't know you wore dresses." Bella laughed. It wasn't a lie. Elena hardly wore dresses even when they were in Florida. Where there was nothing but sunshine.
"Shush." She looked at herself in the mirror along with her friends and couldn't help but frown. The dress itself was beautiful and to say it looked amazing on Elena was an understatement.
It seemed like the dress was made for her. The entire dress fit her curves perfectly and she couldn't help but smile and twirl around. The dress was slightly higher in the front than it was it the back.
It would've been the perfect dress for her if she was going to prom. She immediately frowned remembering that she wasn't going to go. No one had asked her plus Elena and her sister had everyone thinking they were heading to Jacksonville.
Knocks were heard on the window along with whistles and compliments from a group of guys passing by.
"That's uncomfortable."
"That's disgusting." Bella stated.
"Bella what do you think?" Jessica gained the attention of the only girl not in a prom dress.
"That looks great." She said to her.
"You said that about the last five dresses though." Jessica let out a fake laugh causing Elena to roll her eyes.
"I thought they were all pretty good." She laughed.
"You're not really into this are you?" Angela asked the girl.
"I actually really just wanna go to this bookstore. Um, meet you guys at the restaurant?" Bella stood up and grabbed her backpack.
"You sure?" Jessica asked.
"Yeah. See you in a minute." Bella started to walk off.
"Bella wait up!" Elena ran back to the dressing room and changed back into her outfit before following her sister out the door.
"What are you doing? Go try on dresses." Bella stopped her.
"Oh please. We both know I'm not going to prom so I don't see a point in tricking myself into thinking that. I'm going with my sister who happens to be a bit nuts." Elena looped her arm through Bella's.
"Lead the way crazy." Bella just laughed before leaving with her sister to find the bookstore she needed to go to.

The Swan Twins / Twilight
FanficElena Swan is the younger fraternal twin sister of Bella Swan. Elena has always been close with her father Charlie so when Bella suggested they stayed with him for a while because their mother wanted to travel with their stepdad Elena would not ref...