Bella screamed for her sister as she went barged into the girl's room.
"Bella! Again!" Elena was getting ready to head to the Cullen house. Jasper was on his way to pick her up. She once again had lipstick on her cheek and had to remove it before he arrived.
"Sorry. Where are you going?" She asked.
"I'm going to the Cullen house. Alice bought some outfits again and wants me to help her decide which to keep and which to give to her sister."
"Well anyways. I confronted him about it today." Bella started before Elena interrupted her.
"You mean when you ditched school and left me by myself to drive home. You know Bella if you were gonna ditch I should've just stayed home." She scoffed.
"Besides the point El. Anyways, I was right." Elena sighed.
"I know."
"You know?" Bella raised an eyebrow at her.
"After I did all that reading and such I realized you might not be as crazy as you seem. Everything just made sense to me and I then deemed myself just as crazy as you are." Elena fixed her makeup finally.
"And you're still going to their house?" Bella asked sitting next to her sister.
"Bella. You're still talking to Edward and really they haven't been much of a threat. No one's threatened to eat me or anything. No one's been rude to me in any way shape or form. I think I'll be just fine." The girls then heard a knock on their front door.
"That's Jasper. I should go." Elena stood up before her sister stopped her.
"Elena." The younger twin turned around, "pepper spray?"
"Bella!" Elena grabbed her bag before leaving her sister alone.
She opened the door and Jasper's eyes widened at the sight of her. She looked down at herself. Elena was wearing light blue jeans with a white floral over the shoulder crop top along with a red flannel on her waist. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she wore light makeup with a light pink lipstick.
"Do I look bad?" She asked.
He shook his head with a smile, "perfect." Elena blushed smiling and thanked him. He held his hand out for her to take and he led her to the small car and of course held the door open for her.
"Such a gentleman." She giggled.
"Usually am." He appeared in the drivers seat and started driving to his home. Of course the thought of them being vampires never left her mind but around Jasper she always felt calm and happy. The car ride was silent but it was a comfortable silence. Like both were just enjoying each other's company.
He reached over and grabbed Elena's hand before letting them both rest on her lap. She couldn't help but feel happy at him holding her hand. She felt the coldness of his hand but it didn't feel weird to her. In fact it calmed her down.
When they arrived Jasper helped her out of the car and inside to where she was greeted by the rest of his family.
"Elena!" Esme smiled. She went to the girl and hugged her.
"Hello, Esme. It's great to see you." She hugged her back.
"Are you hungry. I could make you some lunch." She offered.
"You don't have to Esme."
"Nonsense. How about grilled cheese?" Elena couldn't help but smile. This woman was being so nice to her. Elena knew they didn't eat after the research her sister did but this woman was doing whatever she could to make sure Elena was comfortable.
"That'd be great Esme. Thank you." Esme smiled before making her way to the kitchen. Edward was staring at her trying to read her mind but just like Bella he couldn't get through.
Elena immediately felt uncomfortable under his stars and leaned closer to Jasper. Jasper immediately went to her defense. "Edward."
"You know?" Edward asked the human.
All eyes went to him. "Edward!" The siblings yelled at him.
"Yes." She whispered. She had everyone's attention including Esme's who was in the next room over.
"How?" He asked her.
"My sister. She's a little nuts. Started doing research. She came to me last night and made me read over everything." She could feel Jasper's hand back inside hers.
"And yet you still came." Edward laughed. Elena inched towards Jasper again not wanting to feel anyone's eyes on her anymore.
"I mean, yeah." She mumbled.
"Why?" Rosalie asked her. To Rosalie this girl was crazy to want to be around them when she knew what they were.
"You all never seemed dangerous to me. You were all nice from the beginning. Especially you Rosalie, I knew how much you all kept to yourselves and Alice told me you'd probably be the last to warm up to me and you weren't. I never saw any danger in you all. So I never had a reason to be afraid." Her hand went on top of Jasper's and she was playing with his hand.
"Well that great. Both of them know now." Rosalie sighed.
"Rosalie!" They all turned their heads to Elena. "You of all people should know I wouldn't tell anyone anything. You're the one who opened up to me without me trying to get you to. There's obviously something about me you trust and you know that. You are all friends of mine. A second family. I would never do anything to jeopardize that." Elena had tears in her eyes and was not about to let them spill in front of them.
Rosalie sighed before appearing in front of the girl and pulling her into a hug. Rosalie patted the girls back. "I know. Just trust me that there are reasons that I trust you. I just can't tell you them yet." She told the girl.
"I get it." The kitchen door opened and Esme came in with a plate of grilled cheese.
"I hope this means you will ask me to make food more often because I like cooking." She smiled and Elena laughed.
"Of course Esme." She walked to the woman and hugged her. "But also know that I will never turn down any food you ever make." She spoke seriously causing the family to laugh.
Esme smiled and handed her the plate of food. "You're gonna need a drink." Elena could barely blink before Esme was back in front of her with a drink. "You'll be here for a while so I can make you dinner later." She pushed the girls hair back and smiled.
"That'd be great. Thank you."
"Okay let's go! There's lots of clothes that need to be sorted." Alice grabbed the girl and pushed her up the stairs gently to not let her spill her food or her drink. Rosalie followed behind her and the last thing Elena saw before she disappeared upstairs was Jasper's smiling face.

The Swan Twins / Twilight
FanfictionElena Swan is the younger fraternal twin sister of Bella Swan. Elena has always been close with her father Charlie so when Bella suggested they stayed with him for a while because their mother wanted to travel with their stepdad Elena would not ref...