chapter 18

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I felt wet on my cheek,so slowly I open my eyes and saw jungkook keep kissing my cheek many time...It makes me smile...he keep kiss while close his eyes...cute...then slowly face him now our lips connect and it makes he peck many times...

Me:Aren't you gonna stop or what???

He smile cutely then,he give last peck on my lips...I smile...I miss this thing so much...All I want to do with him is everything... I don't want to lose him anymore..After,I annoy him by saying those word that I hate him and other words that make him sulking at me ..Then,the door open and reveal the girls and boys with those foods on their hands...They approach at us...and open the foods...I got spagethi,fried spicy chicken and mash potato... With apple juice... I look at jungkook and say

Me:Honey~feed me please....

He ignore...wish this kookie...fine then,I will ask someone,when my eyes land on sugar so I ask him to feed me but then jungkook signal to not and he grab a spoon and ready to feed seems my plan success...he feed my spagethi first..

Me:*munch the food in my mouth*hmm
Jk:Let's move in again?

With that I didn't reply to his question...The thuth I want to stay with him again...I miss him...

Me:kookie can you feed that chicken to me?*smile*

He put down the plate that half of spagethi in it..and he look at me...He serious right now...and I don't wanna mess anything...

Jk:please...everything in the house miss you,
Me:*chuckle*stop it....
Jk:then if you don't care then care about me...I miss you
Jk:stop it make the excuse...just tell me already..
Me:I miss you too...Jungkook-
Jk:y/n please let me take care of you after you get in charge out of this hospital...please*watery eyes*
Me:*cup his face*kookie...let me take my time please

With that he stand up and get look down,tears start to form...but I just hold it,look up and smile...

Skip time(5 month later)
Its been 3 month ago I out of that hospital and its been freaking 5 month he didn't meet me since those stupid conversation... I miss him...I come to his house but he already has body guard and those stupid body guard didn't let me in...they say I'm not mrs Jeon...I keep thinking who is the girl...his mother or what???so I work then go to his house again today but still I didn't allow to come...I go to bangtan but same thing has body guard and I didn't allow cause I'm not has anything with them...even I tell them I'm their friends they say they never see and never heard my name...but the girls flight to Japan for their mission...I'm alone now...

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