The girl who lived

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The life with aunt Muriel was becoming more and more frustrating for Ginny. She acted as if Ginny were her slave.
Ginny was waiting terribly for her Hogwarts letter, she also knew that her aunt will buy all her things second handed, but she was thankful  for one thing she didn't treat her differently like all the other people, but she did show her off.
The girl who was daydreaming didn't remember that tomorrow was her birthday, her eleventh birthday she should  soon receive her Hogwarts letter.
A owl came over her window and handed her, her letter side stood up in excitement making a lot of noise forgetting that the voice call travel through the thick floor
"What's all that voice"her aunt Muriel asked. Knowing her aunt would be more excited than she would be she told her"its my Hogwarts letter" she told her trying to sound dull because she knew if she would sounded excited she would cancel the plans.

"Finally will be getting free of this ungrettful brat" Ginny heard her aunt mutter. She just rolled her eyes.
"You will be able to go on..." She read the letter and said "September 1st" she said "we should be going to diagon Alley soon"
"How 'bout tomorrow" Ginny suggested.  Aunt Muriel narrowed her eyes at her and nodded coldly.
Ginny sighed in relief finally she would be able to advice something without getting scolded.
At that night Ginny fell asleep with those last thought in her mind about going to Hogwarts and finally getting rid of the evil clutches of her aunt.
Hey people,
Hope you like it will post more soon . If you haven't checked out my older fanfiction go on check it out name is "Friendship? or love?"

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