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Nova's POV:
I've just arrived at King Cross Station with all of my supplies for the new school year. I check my watch, it's 10:45. I made a good time considering I walked  about five miles. I have 15 minutes until the train leaves, with or without me. I check my ticket to see what platform I need to go to.

"9 3/4? That can't be right," I muttered to myself. I then see a family of red-haired people and a boy with dark hair. They have suitcases like me. I go up to the lady who looks like the mother of the children.

"Excuse me, can you help me getting on the platform please?" I ask her. She looks at my items and responds.

"Of course! It's Harry's and Ron's first year also." she said sweetly, "All you have to do I run straight between the wall of platforms 9 and 10." I have to run into a wall? She noticed my discomfort.

"Watch. Percy, you go first," she said and the eldest ran towards the wall.

He's- he's gone.

I notice that the dark-haired boy is just as surprised as I am. Next, twins named Fred and George, go.

"You two look a lot of like. Related by any chance?" The last red-headed boy asked the other boy and me.

"No," I replied. The dark-haired boy, Harry, goes first.

"Good luck," the red-haired girl said as Harry's about to go, and then I follow after him. Ron appeared behind me.

It's darker than the normal station, but it's still better than normal train stations. I notice that the group I was with is gone. So, I board the train myself. I looked for an empty compartment, or at least one that's not full. There was a handful of empty ones, so I plopped down on the closest one to me. These train chairs are comfortable, maybe not to other attendees, but I'm used to deathly old wooden chairs.
The train started to move and someone comes in.

"Have you seen a frog?" the curly-haired girl asked.

"No, sorry," I said and go back to my book.

"Darn." she said, "What are you reading?"

"Hogwarts: A History," I replied.

"Oh, I've read that! I'm Hermione Granger," she said.

"Nova Potter."

"Are you related to Harry Potter?" she asked eying me.

"Who?" I ask. This is the second time today that someone has asked if I've been related to anyone. Not only is everything a tad overwhelming, with everyone being as friendly as they are, but now I look related to everyone and their mom.

"Hmm. Guess not. Well, I got to go I'll see you later," Hermione smiles and leaves.

I'm left in silence again, though I'm not bothered by it.

I already know about the four houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. I know some basic facts as well. I know most people want to be in Gryffindor because it means they're brave, but I doubt that'll be me. I can see myself being in either of the other three houses. Ravenclaw less likely than the others just because I'm not book smart.

The train comes to a halt, and we all get out. "First years this way," a gigantic man instructed. He is practically covered in long brown curly hair. He easily stands several feet above us.

"Hagrid," Harry said from right next to me. I jump at the sound of his voice. I had no clue he was anywhere near me.

"Four to a boat," the man, Hagrid, said. I'm on a boat with a bleach blonde-haired boy, and what seems to be his two best friends.

"I heard the Slytherin common room is right below this lake," the blonde said to the other two guys.

I ended up holding the lantern and the whole ride over they talk about how their summer was and how they plan on ruling the school. I doubt I will social with them much. My goal is to keep my head down and succeed. I don't care much for 'ruling'.
The boats reach the shore, and it was beautiful. The calmness of the lake, which was a complete 180 of the creatures that live beneath the surface, held a certain level of mystique to it that you couldn't help but stare at. All of us first years walk up the stairs. A woman comes out and she greeted us.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. In one moment you will be sorted into one of the four houses. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. These houses will be your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, and breaking rules cost you points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points wins the house cup. I-"

"Trevor!" a plump boy interrupted,  "Sorry." the slender woman left, and the blonde boy goes up to Harry.

"So it's true then. Harry Potter's come to Hogwarts," he told Harry. Potter? Both Ron and Hermione asked me if I was his sister, and now the blonde boy was acting like he was a celebrity. What's so special about him?

"Yea," Harry said.

"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy," the blonde stated and Ron snickered.

"Think my names funny do you? No need to guess yours. Red hair, hand-me-down robes. You must be a Weasley," Draco said matter-of-factually. The other witch comes back. Draco backs off and gets back where he was, beside me.

"They're ready," she smiled.

Originally wrote this when I was in 8th grade and now I'm a sophomore in college and bored in quarantine. I'm reuploading what I have written in the series thus far and I hope to finish it out until year 7 like I planned to do way back when

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