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Harry's POV:
I opened my eyes and saw that I'm in the hospital wing. Nova is in the cot next to me. Draco, Blaise, Millicent, Pansy, Adrian, Terrence, and Marcus surround her. She was still unconscious. In front of me stood Dumbledore.

"Good afternoon, Harry. Ah. Tokens from your admirers?"  he asked.

"Admirers?" I said quizzically.

"What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows," he said and we both smile. "Ah, I see your friends Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs."

"Ron was here? Is he alright? What about Hermione?" I ask frantically.

"Fine. They're both just fine."

"But, what happened to the Stone?" I question.

"Relax, dear boy. The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and agreed it was best all around," he explained.

"But, Flamel, he'll die, won't he?" I ask.

"He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order. But yes, he will die," he answered and sat at the end of the bed.

"How is it I got the Stone, sir? One minute I was staring in the mirror, and the next..." I trailed off.

"Ah. You see, only a person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it, would be able to get it. That is one of my many more brilliant ideas. And between me and you, that's saying something," he grinned.

"Does that mean, with the Stone gone, I mean, that Voldemort could never come back?" I asked.

"Ah. I'm afraid there are many ways in which he can return. Harry, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn't bear to have you touch him?"  he asked. I shook my head.

"It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you and your sister, and that kind of act leaves a mark," he said, and I touch my scar. "No, no, this kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin."

He's very vague with his answers, to the point I think they're not even considered answers.

"What is it? And, why could he touch Nova?" I ask.

"Love, Harry, love. And, he could touch young Nova because your mother sacrificed herself for you. You were in the most immediate danger. Voldemort wanted to kill you," he answered.

"Ah. Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit flavored one, and since then I have lost my liking for them. But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee... Mm. Alas. Earwax," he said as he ate the brown bean. Dumbledore got up to leave.

I look over to a sleeping Nova and smile. She went down before all of us to try and get the stone. I'm not sure why, but I'd like to think it was to protect us. Whether she admits to it or not, I think she likes us.

Nova's POV:
Harry and I were walking out of the hospital wing. We see Ron and Hermione talking about something, but they stop once they see Harry.

"All right there, Ron?" Harry asked.

"All right? You?" Ron asked.

"All right. Hermione?" Harry shrugged.

"Never better," she smiled.

"Oh gross," I said and they try to hide a smile. I'm growing on them, I think. Everything of this year seems to be so trivial now.
Tomorrow, we go back home. We were all in the Great Hall for the last feast. The Hall is decorated in green and silver with snakes everywhere.

I'm gonna miss this place. I'm gonna miss the magic. I'm gonna miss my friends.

We were all talking about exams, house points, and who we think left the stink bomb in the boys dormitories, and then a ringing sound echoes through the hall.

"Another year has gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points," people clap and Brother and Others hide their heads. 

"Third place, Hufflepuff, with 352 points," there was clapping.

"In second place, Ravenclaw, with 426 points," there was more clapping,

"And in first place, with 472 points, the Slytherin House," Dumbledore said and the immense cheering at our table hurt my ears.

"Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute points to reward," Dumbledor said. The Gryffindors look up and my face fell.

"To Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of cool intellect when others were in great peril, 50 points," he said.


I watched Harry pat her back. They're in third place now.

"Second to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years...50 points," Dumbledore informed.

Crap. Crap.

The good thing is that they were still in third.

"And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor House 60 points," he said with a smile and the Gryffindor's were roaring in excitement. We were now tied with them.

"And finally," he started and I smiled. I'm gonna pull us back to first. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom," he said and my face fell completely.

The cheering rivaled our own.

"Assuming my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of decoration is in order," Dumbledore said then clapped. Our green and silver turn into red and gold.

"Gryffindor wins the House Cup!" Dumbledore announced.

Everyone was cheering, including Hagrid. All the students threw their hats into the air beside us Slytherins. Draco slammed his hat onto the table. Where were my extra points? Didn't I do something good? Why did only Gryffindors get extra points? If it wasn't for me, Quirrell could've suffocated Harry.
While outside the train station, I watched as other students clamored around to board the train. I watch as Harry had a heartfelt moment with Hagrid. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Millie, Blaise, Terence, Adrian, Marcus and I get onto the train. Since we all won't fit into one compartment we make sure the different compartments are right next to each other. It's me, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Millie in one and the others are on another one.

"So are you guys ready to go back?" Pansy asked.

"Not at all," I said.

"You can have visitors right?" Millie asked and I nodded.

"That's great! We can all come and visit you over the break!" Draco said.

I fidget with the chain to my necklace. I haven't taken it off since I put it on.

"What's the name of the orphanage?" Goyle asked.

"Wool's Orphanage," I answer.
The train stopped and began to go our separate ways. I said my good-byes to my friends.

"See you guys next year!" I said as I walk backwards. They were all looking for their parents,  and I have to walk back to the orphanage. As I walked backwards, I bumped into Harry.

"Talk to you over break alright?" he asked and I nod.

We parted ways. Despite all the drama caused by Brother and Others, I loved this place. I was wanted and needed here. People were kind and I don't have to fight anyone for what is mine. I don't want to go...

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