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Nova's POV:
I should've stayed in the dormitory. No one knew  I was down here. I have no clue when Harry and his friends that hate me will get here. It's a sad state of affairs when the only people can save you, hate you.

The person put me down by a mirror. Unfortunately, they placed me on glass, cutting my arm. Once I finally see the face of the thief I'm shocked.

"Quirrell?" I ask shocked.

"Nova Quinn Potter. The unknown Potter. Even Voldemort himself didn't know you were alive. Your dear brother was unintentionally covering you that night. It took so much digging to find you, you know. Once I saw you in the woods I finally fit all together," Quirrell explained.

"But, I've been in your Defense Against the Dark Arts class all year," I said not catching on.

"True. And I didn't think much of it. Until he got stronger that is. Then I started putting the puzzle together. Piece by piece," Quirrell said but doesn't elaborate on what he means.

"How did you not know we were siblings? The whole school knows it. There are not that many pieces," I question. He can't be serious.

I heard footsteps and another figure was in sight. I heard a yelp and saw the figure touch his forehead. It's my brother, but where are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum?

"You? No. It can't be...Snape. He was the one," Harry said confused and then Quirrell turned around.

"WHAT DID I SAY?!?!?" I yelled in victory. I chide myself. This definitely isn't the appropriate time.

"Yes. He does seem the type, doesn't he? Next to me, who would expect, 'p-p-poor s-stuttering Professor Quirrell?" he taunted.

"B-but, that day, during the Quidditch Match, Snape tried to kill me," Harry said trying to wrap his brain around this.

I'm doing my best to hold in "I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T SNAPE!"

"No dear boy, I tried to kill you! And trust me, if Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would've succeeded. Even with Snape muttering his little counter-curse," Quirrell answered.

"Snape was trying to...save me?" Harry asked.

"I knew you were a danger right from the off. Especially after Halloween," Quirrell stated.

"Th-then you let the troll in," Harry comprehended. I am surrounded by idiots. It was a miracle that Quirrell was sorted into Ravenclaw.

"Very good Potter, yes. Snape, unfortunately, wasn't fooled. While everyone else was running to the dungeon, he went to the third floor to head me off. He, of course, never trusted me again. He rarely left me alone," Quirrell said and turns back to the mirror. As he turns his head, Harry's scar hurts.

"But he doesn't understand. I'm never alone. Never. Now...what does this mirror do? I see what I desire. I see myself holding the stone. But hoe do I get it?" he continued.

"Use the children," a raspy voice called out.

"Come here, Potters, now!" Quirrell demanded. The two of us walked up to him.

"Tell me. What do you see?" Quirrell interrogated us.

We look in the mirror. I saw myself standing with my brother. We're older. We looked like we just finished our seventh year. It looked like we finally have a strong sibling bond. There was a peace between us. I don't know what Harry sees, but he gasped.

"What is it?! What do you see?!" Quirrell demanded.

"I-I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup," Harry lied. He stuttered, and a single person can't win the house cup.

"He lies," the raspy voice said.

"Tell the truth! What do you see?!" Quirrell asked again. When Harry doesn't answer, I do.

"I see Harry and I. We've just finished our seventh year," I said.

"Let me speak to them," the voice said.

"Master you are not strong enough," Quirrell said.

Where is this voice coming from anyway?

"I have enough strength for this," the voice said.

Quirrell started unwrapping his turban. What should be the back of his head is another face.

"Harry Potter, Nova Potter, we meet again," he said and at that moment we both know who it is.

"Voldemort," we said in unison.

"Ah, Nova Potter, this time your dear brother isn't covering you from me," Voldemort hissed. God, this is not a pretty sight. It's quite sad.

"Do you see what I have become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another. A mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there's something that can. Something, that conveniently enough, lies in your pocket!" he yelled at my brother.

Harry took off to avoid him.

"Stop him," Voldemort breathed. Quirrell snapped his fingers and fires erupted all around the exits.

"Don't be a fool! Why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live?!" Voldemort said.

"Never!" Harry screamed.

"Haha. Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, children, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back. All I ask for is something in return," Voldemort said and Harry took the stone from his pocket.

"That's it, Harry. There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those to weak to see it. Together we will do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone!" He demanded.

"You liar!" Harry responded.

"Kill them!" Voldemort commanded.

Quirrell soared through the air, and I ran over to my brother. Quirrell landed and broke the steps under him. I got to Harry, but not before Quirrell put his hands around Harry's neck. I reached for a stone from what broke, and I smashed it over his head. Repeatedly. Quirrell just won't go down.  Quirrell pushed me down with ease, and I hit my head. I kept throwing rocks at him, but my aim and power worsened by every throw. Everything went black.

Harry's POV:
Quirrell pushed Nova down and after throwing a handful of rocks, she's unconscious. I put my hand on Quirrell's and there was smoke. He backed up and screamed. His hand turned into a mountain of black ash.

"What is this magic?" he asked before his hand dissipates.

"Fool! Get the stone!" Voldemort demanded.

Quirrell walked  towards me, but I put both of my hands on his face and he screeched. He tumbled backwards with a new badly burned face. It crumbled as attempted to advance on me. With every new step, the vibrations cause him to lose even more of body. His whole body is ash. The pile of Quirrell fell to the floor. I looked at my own hands, and wiped off the Quirrell that was stuck to my sweat.

I then ran over to the stone to retrieve it. Then, a loud echo of a scream slammed into me. It was a dust cloud of Voldemort's face. I have the stone in my hand before I collapse next to my sister.

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