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Nova's POV:
"I want to know how he does it!" I said defensively. I'm talking about spying on my brother and his friends to see how they don't get in trouble.

"He's Harry freaking Potter, it's special treatment," Crabbe said.

"I'm Nova freaking Potter. Where's my special treatment?" I ask, "I should get more than him because no one knew I existed!"

"You do have a point," Goyle said.

"I know I have a point!"

"The teachers don't even hide their favoritism," Draco said. I don't think he intended to rile me up, yet here we are.

"Well I'm going to start my investigation," I said.

I get my stuff and leave the common room. At this point, I have completely abandoned my worry free idea.
Once I caught a glimpse of Ron's fiery red hair, I started my investigation. It was the three of them and Hagrid.

"Nonsense. Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?" Hagrid asked.

"Who knows. Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?" Harry asked. I can't keep quiet, it's not every day you hear about a three-headed dog.

"Three-headed dog?" I asked going next to Hagrid.

"Where did you come from?" Ron asked.

"Same place as Harry," I said with a laugh. Though, they didn't seem to find it as funny.

"No matter where she came from. Who told you 'bout Fluffy?" He asked.

"A three-headed dog named Fluffy? I gotta see this," I said. Hermione gave me a death glare.

"Fluffy?" Ron said.

"That thing has a name?" Hermione asked in disgust.

"Well, of course, he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-" Hagrid stops himself for saying anything else.

"Yes?" Harry asked.

"Wow, I should hang out with you guys more. You get all the juicy secrets," I said. I was actually enjoying myself.

"Shouldn'ta said that. Don't ask any more questions. That's top-secret that is," Hagrid said.

"But Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it!" My brother said.

"Snape? Just because he doesn't like you doesn't mean he's trying to steal something Harry," I said.

"Codswallop. Your sister is right Harry. Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher," Hagrid said.

I smile at the thought that my brother's favorite person agrees with me.

"Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a curse when I see one. I've read all about them. You have to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking," Hermione said.

"Exactly," Harry agreed.

"Then you don't know one when you see one because you've only read about them, Granger. And Harry shut up because 1. you were dangling all over the place so you couldn't see and 2. I've seen you in class there's no way you knew that," I chide.

"Now you listen to me, all four of you. You're meddlin' in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel," Hagrid sighed.

"Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asked.

"He said not to ask any more questions," I said as I hit my brothers shoulder.

"I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that. I should not have said that," Hagrid repeated as he left.

"Nicholas Flamel. Who's Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Hermione said.

"Oh my gosh! The great Hermione Granger doesn't know something?" I said with my mouth open.

"What are you even doing here with us?" she asked.

"Well given the fact that you three have broken many rules already, I thought I ask you how you did it. Y'know without getting caught, or at least not in trouble," I stated.

"We don't break the rules," Ron said defensively.

"Bull. The only reason you knew about Fluffy was because you went into the forbidden corridor," I said.

"It's not like we're trying. It just...happens," Harry said sheepishly.

"You, Harry, are pushing the limit. Are you trying to figure out how long it'll take you to get in trouble with anyone else besides Snape?" I ask.

"No! By the way, how come you don't get in trouble with him?" He asked.

"I don't break the rules," I said simply.

"Plus Harry, I don't think Snape would curse you. That takes effort and he can't possibly care that much," I said.

They just look at me. "Also, in all seriousness, keep me updated on Fluffy and Flamel. Teachers trust you guys more," I said.

"Why should we?" Ron asked.

"Well like it or not, this intrigues me. Plus if I wanted to, I could go spout all of this to my friends back in Slytherin," I said.

"You're not gonna tell Malfoy and his goons about this?" Hermione asked, very surprised.

"I came here to figure out how not to get in trouble, not to find out about Fluffy. Plus, I would like it if my brother trusted me just a little bit, and I'm not a messenger," I said while I shrugged my shoulders.

They all look at each other very surprised. I start to walk away from them. Harry comes up behind me.

"Nova?" he said, and I turn around.


"Are you going back home for Christmas? If you're not you could help me look for Flamel," he said. Now I'm the one shocked.

"God no, I'm not going home. I love it here! And thanks for the offer, I will 100% help," I said with a smile and he returned it.

"Oh, and considering we know nothing about each other maybe over the break we can just talk and learn more about each other?" he asked.

"Oh yeah. I need dirt on you to blackmail you with," I said. He looked white as a ghost.

I smile and say "I'm just kidding. Calm down, I'm not a completely terrible person."

"That's good. That you want to 'hang out' with me," he said.

"Plus we could trade secrets like you could tell me how to get more teachers to like me and I can help you get Snape to like you," I said and we both chuckle. I start to leave again, but I remembered something.

"Oh, Harry!" I said, so turns back around. "You're not a bad seeker."

Harry's POV:
I smile when she compliments for the first time. I walk back to Ron and Hermione.

"What was that about, mate?" Ron asked.

"Well I asked her if she wanted to help me with the Flamel research over Christmas break," I said and they look at me quizzically.

"Oh, c'mon you both were thinking it." They nod in agreement.

"But she's a Slytherin. She could've been lying about not telling and you just gave her an invitation to find out more information," Hermione stated.

"C'mon Hermione. She may be a Slytherin, but I almost was too remember? And, she's still my sister," I said, "We also said that we would hang out to find out more about each other."

"Well don't go converting to a Slytherin," Hermione said.

Why does she hate her so much? I get that we all haven't been on the best terms, but still. If Nova can come in peace, then we can do our best to not alienate her.

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