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Harry's POV:
Great. Just great. My first day and I'm already getting expelled. I have to go back to the Dursleys! The Professor is taking me to the...Defense Against the Dark Arts room? What? Professor Quirrell was holding an iguana while teaching.

"You wait here," McGonagall told me, so I stay put. I can't risk getting in anymore trouble.

"Excuse me, excuse me. Professor Quirrell. Could I borrow Wood for a moment?" she asked.

"Oh y-yes of course," a boy stood up as Quirrell continued.

"Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood, I have found you a new Seeker!" she said excitedly. Wait, I'm not getting expelled?
I was walking with Ron as I saw Nova across the hall.

"Have you heard? Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well," Nearly Headless Nick said.

"Seeker? But first years never make their house teams! You must be the youngest Quidditch player in-"

"A century, according to McGonagall," I interrupted Ron.

"Seeker?!?" I heard my sisters voice. We then watched her storm off.

"What's up with her?" I asked.

"When we all thought you were getting expelled she was laughing, along with Malfoy and his goons. Sorry mate," he answered.

Well, that hurts.

Nova's POV:
Seeker! I can't believe it! With my limited knowledge of Quidditch, thanks to Draco and Pansy, I know that Seeker is the most important role. Plus, you can't play until your second year. Not that I'm upset that he's not expelled, but he got caught on a broom! I storm by them, and I see a trophy case. I look at it and I see the name "James Potter-Seeker". Just great. What do I have that I can have just for me from my parents?

I saw Draco in the halls. "Draco!" I said.

"Nova!" he responded.

"He's the Seeker!" I shout.

"What?" he asked, clearly not following my train of thought.

"Harry! He's the Gryffindor Seeker!" I repeated.

"What?! But he's supposed to be expelled! How does he manage to get everything?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"When he- you guys were one, HE gets famous. HE gets to break the rules. HE gets Seeker! Everyone is excited to meet HIM. It's not fair on you," he said, and he's right it's not.

"At least Snape likes me," I said.

"True." he agreed, "that's almost as good as being famous in the wizard world."

Draco and I were in the common room.

"They were acting like because you're a Potter you have to be just like Harry," he said.

"Yeah the heroics aren't really for me," I said with a smile. It's so easy talking to him. Even though we come from completely different backgrounds, it doesn't affect our friendship.

"What time is it?" he asked. I turned around to look at the clock.

"It's almost 7, time for us to head down to dinner," I respond.

We walked into the Great Hall, and all the food is already waiting for us.

"This never ceases to amaze me," I tell Draco.

"So want to play 20 questions?" he asked me.

"You first," I replied.

"What's your favorite color?" he asked.

"Sage green. What's yours?" I ask.

"Blue. Favorite food?" he responded.

"Uh, bacon or burgers. Or bacon burgers," I said and we laugh, "Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope, only child. Is there anything you like at the orphanage?"

"Not at all. Once Ms. Jacobsen left, everything about that place was bad. What's your favorite food?" I asked.

"Fish and chips or chocolate frogs. Favorite drink?" he questioned.

"Strawberry lemonade. You?"

"Pumpkin juice. What do you want to be when you grow up?" he asked

"A writer or chef. What was it like to grow up knowing you were a wizard?" We asked questions at lightning speed.

"I don't know, I haven't known anything but, so I guess normal. How life being a muggle?" he asked.

"Very different than being a witch. Like for flying today I would've simply picked the broom up instead of saying up. What do you want to be when you grow up?" I ask.

"An auror. Yeah, I know, weird. Do you like Hogwarts?" he asked, and we've slowed down in giving our answers. Before it was like a race, now it's more calm.

"Oh 100%. What's an auror?" I asked.

"They hunt evil wizards. What did you think when you got your letter?"

"I was really confused because everyone said that witches and wizards were just stories. Why would it be weird to be an auror? That sounds cool," I said.

"My dad was forced to be a follower of You-Know-Who under the Imperious Curse. Who told you that witches and wizards were stories?" he trailed on, the memory of his father working for the man who killed my parents is obviously a hard one.

"Everyone. Like one time I drenched this girl, Arya, because she pushed me into a pool. So, she went ballistic, and said that they should burn the witch. The grown ups said that witches were just stories. What's the Imperious Curse?"

"It's one of the Unforgivable Curses, makes you lose control over yourself and your actions. Burn the witch?"

"It was in a story. Back in the day if you were charged with witchcraft you were burned alive. I still don't get it. There was this whole thing in America called the Salem Witch Trials. They burned a ton of witches. People aren't expecting you to go bad are they?"

"That's what Slytherins known for: their fair share of evil wizards, but every house has some. Burned alive? That's really extreme," he said with fear on his face.

"I know right. Don't worry I don't expect you to go bad," I said. We munched down on various desserts.

Back in the common room everyone bombarded me with questions about my brother, and what I think of him being the youngest seeker in a century.

"Honestly, it irritates me. I bet you if Draco was caught he'd be expelled, not rewarded. But because he's Harry Potter he can do whatever he pleases, whether he realizes it or not."

I always wanted to read a full series fanfic to show the OC throughout the years so I decided to do it myself.

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