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Nova's POV:
I love Halloween. It's the one time of year that your parents let you ask strangers for candy. Even though I don't have parents, it's the one night of year I'm allowed to pig out. As I walked into the Great Hall, I saw the floating jack-o-lanterns that replaced the floating candles. We sat down, and the food looked like it came from a horror movie.

"Where's Hermione?" I heard my brother from behind me.

"Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out of the girls bathroom. She's said that she'd been in there all afternoon, crying," Neville informed my brother. I stopped eavesdropping.

"So, do you guys know what your doing for Christmas break?" I asked.

"I have to attended my parents Christmas party. They throw one every year," Draco said unamused.

"You sound so excited," I said paying attention to how annoyed he is.

"At least we'll be there Malfoy," Crabbe said.

"Yeah, but Crabbe you wanted to go," Goyle retorted.

"Still don't know why. We will be the only 11 year olds there," Draco said.

"At least you guys have plans," I said a lot sadder than I meant to. I accidentally brought the mood down a little.

"What are you doing?" Goyle asked.

"Staying here. I'll probably be the only one in Slytherin though," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I heard Pucey, Flint, and Higgs are staying. Zambini and Parkinson might stay," Draco said.

"Why do you call me by my first name, but everyone else by their last name?" I ask him.

"If I call you "Potter" then I think your brother and you are not him," he answered.

His comment made me smile. It's nice that my housemates actively try to separate me from my brother because we are two different people. Everyone else lumps us together, and thinks we should walk and breathe the same. Hermione and Ron do this the most.

We continue to talk about anything and everything until we heard Professor Quirrell screaming.

"Troll! In the dungeon! T-troll in the dungeon!" he paused. "Thought you ought to know." Quirrell then passed out.

Everyone started freaking out and running around, including myself.

"Silence!" Dumbledore shouted.

He said it with so much power he reminded me of the Greek god, Zeus, for a split second. Everyone stops what they're doing.

"Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to their dormitories. Teachers follow me into the dungeon," Dumbledore announced.

"Wait. Isn't our dormitories in the dungeon?" I asked pretty freaked.

"Yeah, but we have all the teachers. We'll be okay. Right?" Draco said just as frightened as me. In all the commotion, I was turned around, and I saw Harry and Ron stray away from the rest of the Gryffindor's.

"There's a freaking troll in the building and now you want to break the rules?" I uttered to myself. I'm surprised that he's not suspended or expelled yet.
I wake up and I see Pansy and Millicent talking about what happened last night. Listen, I love the two of them, but they make it impossible for me to get to sleep. They talk all the time.

"Did you hear about your brother and his friend?" Pansy asked me.

"No. What rule did he break this time? Did he actually get caught this time?" I exasperated.

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