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Harry's POV:
During the break, Nova and I spent more time together. Malfoy and his goons came back yesterday. Nova went to go greet them and thank them for the necklace. She never took it off.

I didn't tell her about the mirror of erised though. I saw Mom, Dad, Nova, and I all smiling. We were all in Gryffindor. It was nice seeing her in the red and golden robes, but she does look better in green and silver.

Hermione, Ron and I are currently looking for Nicholas again. Ron and I were making our eyes bleed by combing though the same books over and over again. And over. And over. Hermione was putting us to work.

"I had you looking in the wrong section! How could I be so stupid? I checked this out a few weeks ago for light reading," Hermione said. The book is huge.

"This is light?" Ron asked and Hermione glares at him.

"Of course! Here it is! 'Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosophers Stone!"

"The what?" Ron and I said in unison.

"Honestly, don't you two read? 'The Philosophers Stones is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal," she read aloud.

"Immortal?" Ron questioned.

"It means you never die," Hermione answered plainly.

"I know what it means!" Ron said very defensively. I then shush them.

"The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 665th birthday!' That's what Fluffy's guarding on the 3rd floor. That's what's under the trapdoor...the Philosophers Stone!" Hermione gets to the eureka moment. We all look at each other.

"We should go to Hagrid's tonight," Hermione said. Ron and I agree. I get up from the chair.

"Where are you going Harry?" Ron asked.

"To tell Nova," I state.

"WHAT?! Why?" Hermione questioned.

"Because she's apart of this too!" I said.

"But she'll tell Malfoy and his goons!" She said.

"If she was, she would've told them earlier. And if she did tell them, Malfoy would've brought it up at least once by now," I defend my sister.

"Unless she told him not to tell," Ron said and I glare at him.

"Thank you Ronald! They are friends, so he'd listen to her," Hermione stated.

"I'm telling her," I said definitively and walked away from them.

Nova's POV:

"Nova!" I heard my name and turn around. I saw Harry running to catch up with us.

"What does he want now?" Draco asked. Harry caught up with us.

"I need to talk to you!" he said out of breath.

He looked at the two people right next to me, as if he's waiting for them to do something.

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