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Nova's POV:
Everyone, except a few, are packed up.

"Good luck with the party Draco," I said.

"Thanks, I need all the help I can get," he said with a small smile.

The only ones staying are Adrian, Marcus, Terence and Blaise. I get a whole girls side to myself though, so yay.

After my friends left for the train station, I went to the Great Hall to get breakfast. I saw Harry and Ron playing chess. As I walk up to him to see what days we're gonna look up Nicholas Flamel, I saw Hermione, so I backed up instinctually. I then got ahold of myself, and walk up to them anyway.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said.

"That's wizards chess. I see you've packed," Ron said.

"See you haven't," she replied.

"Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there!" Ron said. They act like I don't exist.

"Good. You can help Harry and his sister, then. They're going to go to the library for information on Nicholas Flamel," Hermione commanded Ron.

"We've look hundreds of times!" Ron said.

"Wow thanks for telling me," I said sarcastically. Harry looked at me apologetically, but the other two continue talking.

"Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas," she said and walked away.

"I think we've had a bad influence on her," Ron said.

"Why didn't you guys tell me. I could've helped," I said slightly hurt.

"Hermione didn't trust that you would keep your word and not tell Malfoy," Ron said.

"Did he come up and talk about Fluffy with you? No," I said pissed.

"She also thought you'd leave us alone faster if we found him quicker," Harry said.

"Oh, and you listen to her because she the Queen of England right?" I ask. They just look at me. "Or is it because I'm a Slytherin? Don't you remember that Harry was almost one too?"

"Do you still want to hang out later?" Harry asked softly.

"Yeah, because unlike you guys, I keep my word," I said, "Just can you guys promise me that once you find out who he is you will tell me? Can I trust you with that?"

"Yeah. I'll come find you once we figure out who he is," Harry said.

"You better. When are we gonna hang out?" I ask, calming down only slightly.

"We can hang out on Christmas. Is 11 okay?" Harry asked and I nod.
I hate Christmas.

The adults are only supposed to give us 2 presents for Christmas and birthdays. Though most adults give more to certain kids. I am not one of those kids. I don't even get 2. If I'm lucky I get socks, which I'm grateful for because it gets really cold. One time they gave me pens. No paper though, just pens. So really, they were useless.

When I go downstairs I am greeted by my fellow Slytherins.

"Happy Christmas, Nova," Terence said.

I smile and greeted him the same way. It's only a little bit awkward being the only girl here. I sit down on the silver couch in front of the fire and read my favorite book.

"Hey Nova?" I heard Blaise ask.

"Yeah?" I ask and turn around.

"You have a gift over here," he said.

"What?" I asked. I was certain that the orphanage wouldn't get me anything. They weren't forced to considering I wasn't even there.

"Yeah, come over here," Adrian said.

I put my book down and walk over to our green and silver tree. Blaise hand me the tiny box. I open it and see a ring with a small gem on it. There's a note with it too.

"Well, read the note," Marcus said.

"Your mother left this in my possession before she died. It is time it was returned to you," I said aloud.

"Who's it from?" Terence asked.

"Don't you think she would read that too?" Adrian said while he hit him on the back of his head. I laughed at them.

"It doesn't say who it's from," I answer.

"It's a pretty ring," Blaise said.

"Thanks," I said. I'm really happy. I finally had something from my parents.

I look at my watch and it reads 10:50.

"I gotta go. I promised Harry that we would hang out at 11," I explain.

"Okay have fun," Blaise said.

"Don't turn into him," Marcus warned.

"If you need help, just come and get us," Terence said.

"Yeah, the three of us are your body guards," Adrian said referring to the three knuckleheads in front of me. I giggle and thank them.

I'm walking out of the room and I hear Terence say "you're still in training" I'm guessing he was talking to Blaise.
Harry and I are eating in the Great Hall.

"So did you get anything?" He asked me. I nod and show him my ring, which is on my thumb.

"What about you?" I ask.

"I got a sweater from Mrs. Weasley and an invisibility cloak. Don't tell anyone about the cloak though," he added.

"Cool! Who gave you the cloak?" I ask.

He shrugs and said "It didn't have a name, but whoever went it said it was from Dad. What about your ring?"

"No name. Mine said it was from Mom," I said handing him the note. He reached into his pockets and gets a note.

"Use it well?" I ask and he shrugged.

There's a noise, and we look up. We see owls. It must be late presents. The weirdest thing is that one lands in front of me. It's a rectangular box with green wrapping and a silver ribbon. There's also a note attached.

"Well read it," Harry said.

"Sorry for leaving you alone. Hope you like it. -Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Ps: mainly Draco though because his parents bought it. -Crabbe'" I read the note.

I smile at the thought that they got me something. I open the box and I see a green and silver necklace. It's a silver bar with diamonds on it and a green gem hanging at the bottom. I can't tell if the gems on this are real or not. Though knowing Draco's family, they probably are.

"Woah, who's that from?" Harry asked.

"Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. But mainly Draco," I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"Mainly Draco?" he asked.

"Crabbe says that his parents bought it so it was mainly him," I said showing him the note. I put it on. So far, I'm having a pretty good Christmas.

We start talking about our aunt, uncle and cousin.
"He fell in?" I ask laughing about what happened at the zoo with Harry and Dudley. I look at my watch and see that it's 1:45.

"As much fun it is talking about the Dursleys, I'm going to go finish my book for the hundredth time," I told Harry.

"Okay Happy Christmas," he said and I return the sentiment.

I knew this place would be better than both Wool's and the private school combined, but I never imagined to have this many friends, and to have a brother. It feels good to feel like you actually belong somewhere.

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