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Nova's POV:
Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco caught me up on the past 11 years.

"So that's why he didn't want to be in Slytherin," I said mostly to myself. If You-Know-Who was in that house and he killed my parents when I was one, I would want to avoid the house as well.

"Yep. That's the story," Pansy said.

Everyone is done eating their dinner. Soon after, the dinner plates are filled with desserts. There are different types of puddings, pies, and cakes. I get a slice of sweet potato pie. I honestly thought I was going to burst. I haven't had this much food in, well, forever. The five of us continued talking aimlessly as we ate our dessert.

"So, how's it in an orphanage?" Crabbe asked me.

"I've been there since I was one. It could be better. The kids there are wretched, and the adults aren't much better, if anything they're worse. But it has kept me sheltered and somewhat fed for my life, so it's hard to complain." I told them, "I was supposed to go to a private school this year, but thankfully I'm not. The kids there often look down on kids like me, with no money and no family."

"What do they do that's so bad?" Draco asked.

"Well for starters, one of my many chores is during dinner. Most nights they forget I'm there so they don't save me any food. So most nights I go to bed without anything of sustenance. Then, the other orphans believe that they're more superior to me. They call me cruel names on a daily basis. The adults don't do anything to stop them. To them, I'm just a servant since I've been there the longest and no one has wanted to adopt me. There once was this nice adult there. Her name was Ms. Jacobsen and she was the only one to stick up for me," I explained, "It's like something about me brings the worst out in others."

"That's terrible," Crabbe said. The feast has concluded.

"Hey, weren't you the one who held the lantern on the boat?" Goyle asked me and I nod. Who would've thought that we'd all end up in the same house.

All the prefects led the students to their respective common rooms. Our prefects, Hanna and William, led us to the dungeons.

"Excuse me, why are we going to the dungeons?" A snooty looking girl says.

"That's where our dormitories are, Millicent," Hanna answered. A couple of students gasp.

"Don't worry. We have the best view of the lake," William said with a smirk. We get to a statue.

Hanna said "Cor Dracones," the statue moves and a door is revealed.

"Remember that password. The only time it will change is at the start of the next term," William said.

"Cor Dracones. That sounds familiar," I mumble to myself.

"What?" Draco asked. I shake my head.

"Dracones, not Draco. I know that Dracones is dragons, but what's Cor?" I ask myself.

"What?" Draco repeated. He looked at me like I've grown two more heads.

"The password. It's Latin. It means dragons something," I explained.

"Why do you know Latin?" he asked.

"Learning Latin was a requirement at my old school," I answered. I think about it for a while.

"Dragons Heart!" I have a eureka moment. "Cor Dracones is dragons heart!" I said. I stopped talking and looked around the common room. We were right under the lake.

"If you wait long enough, you can see the giant squid." a tall kid said, "Adrian Pucey." he extended his hand.

"Nova Potter," I shook his hand.

"Are you the unknown Potter?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I have no idea and the question is starting to irritate me."

"If you want to know go see Dumbledore. That's his department."

"Thanks," I replied, and I plan my next day at Hogwarts. Tomorrow, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm finally gonna have an answer to this persistent Potter question.

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