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Harry's POV:
Hermione, Ron and I walked to the Gryffindor common room. As we walked up the stairs, they began to move.

"Ahh!" Ron screamed and Hermione gasped.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"The staircases change, remember?" she said. Once she said that, they stop moving.

"Let's go this way," I told Ron pointing at where the stairs ended up.

"Before the staircase moves again," he said in agreement with me.

Nova's POV:
I see my brother, Ron and Hermione go into a room on the third floor. "Hey Draco?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Isn't the third floor off limits?" I ask.

"Just the corridor on the right, why?" He looks at me and I point to my brother and his friends.

"Let's go tell Filch," he said. I stopped him.

"Look," I said pointing to Mrs. Norris following them. "He'll find them."

We relax and go to the Slytherin common room. We work on homework that's due soon. Man, I'm glad Snape likes me, but I don't think I've ever had this much work in one class.
After a good night's sleep, I decided I should stop worrying about what my brother is doing. I probably won't start immediately, but distancing myself wouldn't hurt. I'm in the bleachers working on the spells the Professors have taught me so far. While I am sitting here, I see my brother and an older dude walking out onto the field. They started talking, and the older guy, Oliver Wood, releases a brown ball. It dashed away from them, but quickly returned. Harry hit it with the bat, and it almost took my head off.

"Eh, not bad, Potter. You'd make a fair beater," Wood said.

Of course he could be a beater. Might as well make it a one man team! God, is there anything he can't do? After that I storm out and go back inside. I realize I'm overreacting, however, it's frustrating watching Harry get all the glory.

The first thing I do when I enter the building is look for Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Once I find them we start talking. We are on our way to Professor Flitwick's class. On the way there, I tell them about what happened on the Quidditch field.

"It'd be easier to win if it was a one man team," Crabbe chuckled. We all laughed, and walked inside the class room. We found our seats and we are all in a line.

Professor Flitwick told us what spell to use then we attempt to levitate a feather.

"Wingardium Leviosa," I said with the appropriate swish and flick. We were all struggling.

"Stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out! Besides your saying it wrong. It's Leviosa, not Leviosar," Hermione nagged Ron.

"Who died and made her queen?" I snide and I got a chuckle from my friends. We continued trying to levitate the stupid feather.

"Oh well done! See here everyone! Ms. Granger's done it! Oh splendid!" Flitwick said proudly.

"Course she has," Draco said. We all started talking because we have all given up. We were interrupted by an explosion. Everyone looked at the culprit. This is the 3rd explosion I have seen from Seamus this week. This kid was a walking bomb.

"I think were gonna need a new feather over here, Professor," Harry said.

"Well, duh, that one just got fried," I said and all the Slytherins laughed.
After class, I catch up with Brother and Others.

"So how much trouble did you get in with Filch?" I asked while I placed my arms over Harry and Ron's shoulders.

"What, Nova?" Harry asked.

"Don't play dumb. You three know you went into the forbidden corridor," I said eyeing them.

"How do you know about that?" Ron asked.

"Well Draco and I have eyes," I said with a smirk. I know for a fact they all hate him.

"For your information, he didn't catch us Potter," Ron used my last name like its a bad word, kinda how Draco says it when speaking to Harry. Those two are more similar than they like to admit.

"Wow Harry, dragging your friends down in your rule breaking habits are we?" I asked and removed my arms from their shoulders. I smile and walk off. I return to my fellow Slytherins and I see Ron say something to Harry. I see Ron make a comment Hermione goes past them crying.

"What did you do Nova?" Goyle asked me.

"That wasn't me. That was all Weasley," I said.

"What'd they have to say about the corridor?" Draco asked.

"Surprised we saw them, Ron tried getting all tough which was quite enjoyable to see. Harry didn't have much to say, per usual," I told them. We stop talking about the Gryffindors and make our way to the Great Hall. After all, I've heard this Halloween feast has nothing on the first day feast. And, I love Halloween.

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