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"Wormtail, what is filth like you doing here?" Lucius sneered.

Malfoy Manor was dark, but just enough light shone to illuminate the figure of Wormtail.

"The Dark Lord has given you another new task. In addition to the plans for next year, he instructs you to do whatever necessary to win the Potter girl to our side. She's a girl of many talents that will prove useful to The Dark Lord. He would rather have an ally rather foe," Wormtail instructed Lucius.

"Should be easy enough, my son seems to have a special interest in her,"  He smirked.

Once he succeeds at both his tasks, the Malfoy family will be back in the good graces of their Lord, and their lapse in judgement 11 years ago will be forgiven.

There is a knock at the door and Wormtail is gone. Draco walks in.

"Father, can we go visit my friend from school? Her name is Nova Potter, and where she lives is absolutely retched. It's no place for a witch of her caliber," Draco asked.

Lucius smiled. "Of course son, we will see her tomorrow. I am intrigued to meet the girl who wears Malfoy jewelry round her neck."

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