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Nova's POV:
"ARE YOU CRAZY?" I yelled at my brother.

"Do you have another idea?" he asked me.

"Yeah! Not poke our noses where they don't belong!" I screamed while I hit his arm.

"We are going. You don't have to, but we're not gonna let Snape get the stone for Voldemort," Harry's yelled. His brilliant idea is to steal the stone before Snape has the chance to.

"FOR MERLIN'S SAKE HARRY! IT'S NOT SNAPE!" I shout, losing my patience.

"We are going with or without you," he stated coldly.

"What time?" I sigh. I can't let my idiot brother get himself killed.

"Midnight," Harry responded. I scoff and walk away.

"Nova? Are you okay?" Pansy asked

"What? Oh yeah sorry," I apologize.

"What are you thinking about?" Millie asked.

"Going back to the orphanage, and how much that's gonna suck," I lied, well kinda. Mostly, I'm worried about tonight, but I can't tell them that.

Sometimes I wonder why I wasn't put into another house, but then when I lie as easily as I do it's obvious that I'm a Slytherin.

"Oh, why can't you go live with Harry? Now that you know you have a family," Pansy asked.

"Good point, but that means that our Aunt and Uncle will have to take me, and that's up to them. Plus, after hearing Harry describe them, 1. they won't want me 2. I don't know if I'd want to be with them," I explained. "What time is it?"

"Almost time to go back to our dorms. Why?" Millie asked.

"Don't want any more points taken off from Slytherin," I said quickly.

I'm going to look for the Stone before Harry and Co. or the thief can find it. "Speaking of, I have to go. See you guys tomorrow," I said and left before they could question me.

I'm on the 3rd floor ready to put Fluffy asleep. I open the door and prepare my wand.

"Musica," I whispered and I hear gentle music playing. For the hell of it, I go up and pet Fluffy. It's a big dog with three heads; he needed 3x as much love. I silently cheered.

I lift the pups paw up, and slid myself into the trap door. I landed on black, thick and squishy vines. I tried to wriggle myself out of them, but it made it worse. I looked down to see what exactly I am dealing with. It's Devil's Snare. Thinking back to the herbology lesson was hard. That's probably why they picked this. Herbology is so boring that no student would advance.

Okay. Devil's Snare. That's the day when Neville tripped over the herbology chairs. Also, the day when I got a letter from the orphanage saying that my room has changed and that I will learn more when I get back. I was so mad that day because that's the 9th time they switched my room in 3 years, and Hermione had to make it better by being a smartass. I remember her saying 'The Devil's Snare is deadly fun, but will sulk in the sun'

"Lumos Solem!" I shout and the Snare released me onto the ground underneath it. Who would've thought Granger actually helped me?

After that whole debacle, I heard fluttering. I walked towards the noise and saw a room filled with flying keys. I look over at the door. I'm not gonna waste my time trying the "alohomora" spell because in a room filled with all these keys one of them has to fit the lock. I look around and see a key who is flying like it's limping. That's most likely the key. I try to spot a way to reach it and my eyes fall upon a broomstick. Great, just great. I don't know how to fly that well. All of Madam Hooch's classes were cut short because someone got hurt. It was almost always a Gryffindor too. Typical...

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