Chapter 1

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Mitch and Scott had a long day now they were getting ready for bed Mitch found some shorts and a tank top to sleep in and Scott just striped down to his tank top and boxers . Mitch was laying in the bed on his phone looking though Twitter . He felt some eyes on him so he look over and Scott was looking and smiling at .

" What do you want Scott ? Go to sleep ." Mitch said to him.

Scott said , " But I can't I'm not tired ." He started to kiss Mitch on the neck .

Mitch told Scott no and pushed him off.

Scott said , " Come on why not ?"

"Because I'm tired and not in the mood tonight baby . " Mitch said

"OK , I love you ." Scott said and gave Mitch a goodnight kiss.

" Love you too ." Mitch said locking his phone and putting on the night stand .He rolled over and went to sleep.

Scott cuddle up with Mitch but didn't sleep. He thought about how he was ready to start a family with Mitch being that they have been married for two years and Pentatoinx was doing great and he really really love Mitch. He had a feeling Mitch was ready to but was scared but of his bad back and other reasions . Scott didn't want think about any more so he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning Scott woke up with his back hurting he had curve in his spine and it hurt ever now and then . He rolled over to check the time on his phone it was ten so he try to go back to sleep . Mitch got out of shower and saw that Scott was still sleeping. Mitch went over to him and started to kiss him and tell him to wake up.

Scott said , " No , I don't want to and my back is really hurting me. "

" Do you want me to give you a massage? Mitch asked.

" Please ." Scott said.

Scott rolled over on his stomach . Mitch got between Scott legs and started to rube his hands up and down Scott back. Then Mitch hears Scott snoring and kisses him on his back and careful gets up . He goes to the kitchen to feed Wyatt and get him something to drink . Then he sat on the couch on his laptop he was on tumbler he loved getting on it he sat there for a couple of hours on his laptop and playing with Wyatt and watching T.V . Scott was still sleeping so Mitch went to go check on him.

When Mitch bent down to kiss Scott he grabbed him bring him down to the bed and started to kiss Mitch all over . Mitch gave in and took off his clothes and Scott did the same . When they were done Mitch went to go cook them some lunch .Scott laid in bed he was thinking about what he was going to do for Mitch's birthday that was coming up in a week. He wanted to do something big maybe they would go see a move then nice dinner and walk on the beach or he could take him out for town somewhere really nice .

" Scott lunch is done. " Mitch yelled from the dining room.

" It is your favorite pizza . And i made some cake balls. " Mitch said

Mitch was in the refrigerator getting them something to drink when Scott came up behind him rapping his arms round Mitch and kissing his neck.

" Hello,sexy." Scott said

" Hey my sexy man, is your back feeling better?" Mitch asked

"Yes, Thanks to you baby." Scott said

Mitch and Scott sat down at the table to eat.

" So do you want to do anything special for your birthday honey? " Scott asked.

" No, surprise me." Mitch said

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