Chapter Nine

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Caroline's POV

Ian stops the car in front of my apartment. I try to get off as soon as possible, but he holds my arm back.

"Caroline, I'm really sorry about tonight." He looks so hurt.

I look down not wanting to meet his eyes while I nod, "It's fine, Ian."

He lifts my chin so I can meet his eyes, "If this is what you really want. How about I make something special tomorrow night?"

I search his eyes and he looks like he's really sorry so I nod. My guilt just keeps building.

I get inside the apartment as fast as I can without even kissing him goodbye. I just feel so ashamed and guilty. I can barely make eye contact. I change into a pair of pajamas and grab my phone and call Roux.

"How did it go today?" Roux asks anxiously.

"Is Ruth there too?" I ask as I lay on my bed.

"Yeah, she's here too. You're on speaker."

I let go of a big long breath and tell them everything from this afternoon until my sexual wants with Ian. I want to cry from how frustrated I am sexually and emotionally.

"Oh, Care Bear." I hear Ruth say on the line, she rarely calls me that, "You're emotionally hurt. That's why you wanted to have sex with Ian. Trust me, I know. I do it all the time." She softly chuckles.

Roux grunts, "That's gross, but she's right, Caroline. Maybe you should just end things with Ian even though you don't want to be with Calvin any more."

"I know, but he just offered to do something special because I just basically threw a tantrum."

Ruth laughs, "Good. You deserve everything special."

"No." Roux says, "You're just going to hurt yourself and Ian in the end."

"Would I be a horrible person if I think about it before deciding if I want to end things?" I say as I close my eyes.

"No." They both say in unison.

"I hope not," I tell them.

"Decide sooner rather than later though." Roux chimes in.

We stay on the phone a little longer as the twins talk about their day. Apparently, they were shopping all day today and Roux met a guy. This is actually something interesting because she never cared too much about a man's attention after getting her heartbroken.


It's Friday and I just want to leave this building without running into Calvin or Danielle. I step into the elevator, I notice the male assistant from Calvin's office. I smile politely at him as I get in. He smiles at me and I can see the recognition flash in his brown eyes.

"Caroline Lewis, correct?" He sticks his hand out for me to shake.

I smile and take it, "Yes."

"Nathaniel." He introduces himself.

"Er-... sorry about yesterday. I hope I didn't put Calvin in a bad mood for you." I wince at the thought if maybe he's a mean boss when he's mad because he can be very grumpy when he's mad.

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