20. thinking [bethany]

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Our show on Monday is crazy. The yelling is even louder than normal, and occasionally you can pick out a voice screaming "Motough!" and it's amazing. My face hurts from smiling so hard by the end of the night.

We performed our Lucy/Ricky dance, and did pretty well. Julianne hinted at us being like an actual married couple in her comments, and the audience went wild. I glanced at Derek and noticed him trying to hide a grin.

Nobody specifically mentioned the big bombshell, but not being paranoid of leaking a big secret, and knowing that everyone is now aware of something I've been holding in, is a relief. It's like a big weight has been taken off my shoulders.

Derek kisses me at the end of the night, after we've been called safe and the show has officially wrapped for the night. It's not showy or even in front of a ton of people, but Janel, Val, and Alfonso happen to see, and make cute little comments as we pull away.

"Aren't you two just the sweetest?" Alfonso jokes.

I giggle. "Thanks..."

"So," Derek says to me, turning so our bodies are facing each other. "Next week we're doing a Viennese Waltz..."

"Ooo," I say, raising my eyebrows.

He laughs slightly. "And then it's trio week, so we have to pick a crew member or eliminated pro to dance with us."

My eyes widen. "Oh boy. That's exciting, yet intimidating."

Derek nods, smiling. "It'll be fun. I'm excited." He grabs my hands in his.

"Me too." I smile.

We end up picking Tony Dovolani, which is cool, cause he's super sweet. Derek begins telling us his ideas for our Argentine Tango, and I can't help but get butterflies in my stomach.

"This is gonna be sick," I say, biting my lip, the corners of my mouth forming a smile. Derek and I exchange a glance, and a smile spreads across his face.

"You know it, babe."

We finish our quick planning and then I go back to my dressing room to change. I hear a knock on my door a minute later. When I get the door, Derek is standing outside with a single flower.

I look at him, confused, but smiling. "What's this?" I glance at the flower in his hand.

"Well I figured that since we're basically official now, we could go for a little post-show meal somewhere. You did say you were hungry, right?" he asks.

I laugh. "Yes, I did."

"So hurry up and get changed and I'll take ya out." He raises his eyebrows flirtatiously and I feel my heart race.

"Like, on a date?" I joke.

Derek winks, letting out a small laugh. I laugh too, glancing down at the flower. He must have seen me looking at it, because he reaches his hand out, offering it to me. I realize it's fake.

"I picked it out of the set from Janel and Val's dance," he admits when I grab the flower.

I laugh, loud. "Of course you did." Looking up at him, I smile. "Thank you."

"Welcome. I'll see you in a few," he says, and with a raise of his eyebrows, he is gone.

I shut my dressing room door, and my mind begins to race as I think about what I'm going to wear for my first public 'date' with Derek.

A little while later, I emerge from my dressing room in the outfit I was wearing before. Luckily it is the perfect balance between casual and cute, and even though my hair is still red-ish from the spraypaint my stylist put in to make me resemble Lucy Ricardo, I think I look date-worthy.

"Where do you wanna go?" Derek asks, when we're in his car. He begins driving away, as I shrug.

"Doesn't matter."

"What are you in the mood for?"

"Uhh.." I think, suddenly craving pizza. "Maybe like, pizza or something."

Derek glances at me. "Pizza?? Are you sure?"

I laugh. "Is that... okay?"

"No, yeah," he mutters. "If that's what you'd like, Miss Mota, that is what we shall have."

Smiling, I look at him. "Is that not what you want?"

"I want whatever you want."

I roll my eyes, smiling. Typical Derek. "Mhm."

I grab the auxiliary chord, as I normally do in Derek's car, and plug in my phone.

Jungle by X Ambassadors comes on and Derek gasps.

"We should do this for our Tango!" he glances at me and my mouth drops.

"Wait, yes. That would be amazing," I grin. How epic would that be? ugh. Please let this happen.

"It's decided. I think..." Derek says. "As long as it fits with the dance, which I feel like it can."

I let out a sound half-way between a squeal and an excited yell. "I cannot wait."

We jam out to the song until Ed Sheeran's beautiful voice comes on when Jungle ends, and calms the hyper mood that we were just put it.

A smile spreads across my face. "This song... ugh."

"This is that song with the music video of him dancing, right?"

I turn to Derek. "Yes! Thinking Out Loud. You've seen it??"

"Yeah," Derek tells me. "It's good. I loved the choreography. Really beautiful. And killer song too."

"After I saw that video, I was like... dying to dance like that. But..."

"But what?" Derek glances at me.

"But that's like legit dancing." I let out a small laugh, totally fan-girling over Ed, his partner, and that video.

"You could do it," Derek states.

I blush. "Do that dance routine? No way."

"Why not? You absolutely could. I'll teach you."

I turn to Derek, and he looks over at me. "You're gonna regret sayng that cause I want to learn it so bad."

He laughs. "Well we'll do it. Maybe not now, with the competition and stuff, but after. It'll be something to do when the season ends."

I get sad thinking about our time on Dancing With the Stars being eventually over, but this little promise Derek basically just made makes me smile.

"I'm gonna hold you to that," I joke.

"Fine by me," he admits, giving me a small smile, and then turning back to watch the road.

" I'm thinking bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe it's all part of a plan... "

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