5. explanations [bethany]

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A perfect score. I can't believe it.

I've been in this daze since we got our scores, and I'm actually still speechless about it.

The show finished a few minutes ago.  Sadie did well too. She got 9's and her first 10, which she was happy about. We freak out together on the way back to our dressing rooms.

"Great job again, girl," Sadie says as we reach each of our doors. I hug her.

"You too! Killed it." I high-five her and she giggles.

"I'll see ya soon."

"Yeah, see you Sadie."

We part ways and enter our dressing rooms.  I close the door and let out a long breath of air, smiling. I got a perfect score. What??!

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door. I reach for the handle and pull it open to see Derek standing in the doorway with a smug grin.

"We did it, baby," he says, with his arms outstretched. A huge smile spreads across my face and I let out a squeal as I hug him for like the millionth time today. But hey, I'm not complaining...

We pull away from the hug and he looks into my eyes, smiling, for a second. Then he speaks.

"Can I.. come in?"

I laugh slightly. "Yeah, of course."

He steps into the room, closing the door behind him, which momentarily makes my heart beat faster.

"I'm so proud of you B. You deserve it, sweetheart," he is smiling so wide, and I feel a blush on my cheeks. 

"Thank you. I owe it all to you," I smile slightly, looking into his blue eyes.

"Nah..." he mutters, grinning. I laugh.  I can tell something is on his mind, and my stomach flutters wondering what that is.

Derek sits on a chair in my dressing room.  He clasps his hands together and breathes out deeply.

"So, Beth..." He says, trying to hide a smile as he looks up at me from his seated position.

I smile and sit on the couch next to the chair Derek is sitting in. "So, Derek..."

He chuckles slightly. "I've been thinking about why we did so well this week..."

"Oh, have you?"

"I have," Derek replies, biting his lip. He sighs before coming right out with it. "It was that kiss."

My eyes shoot up from wherever they were wandering to meet his. "You think so?"

He nods. "Yep. I mean, even though I was kinda freaking out about it, it might not have been so bad. As Carrie Ann pointed out, it did improve our chemistry," Derek mentions, laughing softly. Our eyes meet and I'm unsure of what to say.


He stands up and moves to sit next to me on the couch, turned slightly to the side so he is partly facing me.  I watch as he sighs loudly and looks at the ground, probably trying to put together his thoughts.

Finally he looks up at me. "Bethany." Derek pauses and reaches to hold my hands in his. My heart jumps. He lets out a small laugh. "I dont... really know what's going on... with me. I just..."

My heart begins racing faster. I brace myself for the words about to come out of his mouth.

"...I never... planned to have feelings for you, but..." He looks into my eyes. I swallow hard. ".. I do." The corner of my mouth turns up in a smile as he says those words. Is this actually happening right now?

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