21. us [derek]

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Our pizza-place date is nice, especially because it's so relaxed.

Beth and I talk, and eat, and I get to spend around 2 hours just sitting across from her and admiring her beauty.

"You know what's bizzare to me?" she asks, in more of a statement than a question.

I look at her with scrunched eyebrows. "What?"

"That we've known each other for like... a little over 2 months, and yet I feel like I've known you for... so much longer than that. I don't know." She gets embarassed and begins to blush, looking down. "That's so cheesy and stupid but-"

"No," I interject, cutting her off. "I get it, it's like..." I grab one of her hands in mine from across the table. "...time has moved slower or something. It's felt like way longer than it has been."

Beth nods. "Exactly."

"That's a good thing... I think." I say, with a small smile.

"I'm still surprised how we, like, clicked so easily."

"I agree. You're much different than I expected you to be." She looks at me, somewhat skeptical and I can't help but laugh. "In a good way, don't worry."

She lets out a small giggle. "Good."

In all, our first little public date goes great. I'm glad Beth and I can finally be in public without having to hide how we really feel. It's nice. And according to Beth, we're getting a lot of positive comments on her Youtube video, which is still getting an increase in view, even days later. Although there are some that... disapprove our relationship, it seems like the majority of people are as happy as we are, and it's cool to know that.

At Tuesday rehearsal, we begin our Viennese Waltz.

"Okay," I tell Beth, as we begin our rehearsal. "So this dance involves a lot of passion and emotion. We need to create a story. And with the song we're doing, I think it needs to be a story about heartbreak and raw feeling..." I illustrate with my hands, clenching them into a fist.

Beth looks at me, nodding. "Okay..."

"So... you're gonna have to... act like you're heartbroken, which I know may be hard since you're currently so happy with your perfect boyfriend and all," I joke, with a wink.

She offers some sass back, as always, saying "I'll just channel my thoughts from Halloween weekend."

My smile fades. "Aww, Beth..."

She lets out a small laugh. "I'm kidding. Although that is basically the closest thing to heartbreak that I've experienced."

I sigh. "Well I'm sorry that I'm the reason for your only experience with heartbreak." Looking into her eyes, I bite my lip. A tone of seriousness rises in the air, and the room suddenly feels really still.

"Stop! It's okay... I shouldn't have brought it up. Let's just dance."

Breathing deeply, I nod. "Sounds good."

Rehearsal goes well. Beth really puts a lot of passion and energy into the dance, even from the beginning, and I don't know what she's thinking about or what feelings she's channeling, but she's doing well, so I'll leave it alone.

"That was great, babe." I bring her hands up to my mouth and quickly kiss her knuckles before dropping our grasp when the dance ends.

"Thank you," she mutters, giving me a small smile.

"So tomorrow we're learning the Tango with Tony, so come pumped for that."

"Oh, you can guarantee I'll be pumped. Very pumped. You might even have to deflate me a little cause I might be so pumped that any dancing may cause me to explode." Her eyes are wide, and she is talking crazy, but I laugh, cause that's one of the reasons I love her so much.

"You're nuts."

She gives me a weird face and then stands on her tiptoes to kiss me gently on the lips. Pulling away, she puts on a cheesy smile. "See ya tomorrow."

My heart drops a little, not wanting her to leave, but knowing she has to. "Yes you will," I assure her as she turns and picks up her stuff before walking towards the door.

"Love you," she says, quickly, and sort of awkwardly. I grin, watching her standing in the doorway.

"You too, sweetheart." Beth smiles, giving me a small wave before stepping out the door and letting it close behind her. I let out a deep sigh, already missing her adorable weirdness and beautiful face.


The camera man is late again. And Tony has yet to arrive, so Beth and I stretch and try to kill time before we can actually start.

"Remember the first few weeks when you'd literally be late to rehearsal all the time?" Beth asks, with a laugh.

"Yes," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "Don't make me feel bad."

Beth stands up to do some stretches on the ballet bar. "You're never late anymore though! I'm proud of you."

"That's cause I make sure to be on time," I tell her, standing up and walking in her direction.

"You didn't do that before..?"

"Well," I roll my shoulders, looking over Beth's head into the mirror behind her. "Yeah, I did, but now..." I look at her and close the distance between us, wrapping my arms around her waist. "... now I don't want to waste one minute that I could be here with you."

"Aww, how sweet," Beth says, sarcastically, looking up at me.

"Oh hush..." I roll my eyes as we both laugh and I lean in to kiss her. The kiss deepens and I feel my body relax, but my heart begins to race. A giggle escapes Beth's mouth as I lift her to sit on the ballet bar. My hands find their way to her waist to stabilize her, and she wraps her legs around my torso, pulling us closer together. We get lost in the moment until we hear a voice behind us.

"Oh, hello."

Beth and I turn to see Tony in the doorway, trying to hide his grin.

"Shall I come back later?" Tony smugly asks.

Beth lets out a small giggle, biting her lip.

"No, no, come right in..." I glance at Beth, who gives me a small smile complete with wide eyes and blush on her cheeks, and I can't help but laugh, shaking my head. Helping Beth down from the bar, I glance at myself in the mirror. My face is a bit flustered and my hair is slightly messed courtesy of Beth's fingers. I quickly fix myself up and take a deep breath before turning towards Tony.

"So..." I clap my hands together. "Let's begin."

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