Author's Note

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I just wanted to write a little note reflecting on this story.

First of all, A HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS READ IT. I started writing this story, mostly out of boredom, just to kind of let out some of my inner thoughts, and ended up really enjoying it. I am still blown away by all the positive feedback and I'm glad so many people have enjoyed the story too!

Second, I just wanted to say that I'm really proud of this story. I've been writing for years, but I've never had the patience to finish a story. Normally I'll think of something, begin to write it, and then another idea will pop into my head and I'll ditch the first one because I've lost incentive to continue it. I think the main reason I've kept up with this story is all the readers. All the positive feedback, the "update! update!!" comments, and everything in between has really kept me interested and motivated to keep this story going; so thank you!

Lastly, I've really enjoyed writing/finishing this book. I have some other ideas floating around and I may begin to write them and see where they lead, so if you enjoyed my writing, keep an eye out for those, because they may be coming in the near future.

Overall, I really just wanted to emphasize how thankful I am to everyone who has taken the time to read this story. I hope I satisfied your Motough desires ;) and, even though this story was purely for entertainment purposes and came from my own mind, I hope I did justice to Beth and Derek because they are wonderful wonderful people.

And that's really it.

Thanks again! xxx

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