Chapter 2: Flushed

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"Volleyball, of course! We sometimes eat lunch together to talk about that stuff, but then you came here and everything thinks you're really pretty-" the ginger said, until his foot got stomped on by Kageyama. "OW! It's the truth! And my name is Hinata Shoyo!"

You laughed a bit awkwardly and greeted him by his name. Everyone gave you their names surprisingly uniformly and volleyball positions, hoping you would somewhat understand what the positions did. Little did they know, you had managed by old school's boy's volleyball team, so you knew what you were talking about. You couldn't quite play, but you loved watching and getting things set up for them.

Everyone was back to talking like they would usually once they had seen how normal you were white you tried to talk to Nishinoya, the one guy you'd actually enjoyed the company of since you'd known him the "longest." That time frame, though, was only two hours, but it felt like longer.

"I didn't know you played volleyball! That's so cool! I used to manage my old school's volleyball team and the Libero was always my favorite position to watch! You must be really good, or at least that's what your teammates say," you gushed.

Nishinoya's face got very red, but you didn't think too much of it. "Thanks, [l/n]!" he responded to your praises cooly.

~Nishinoya's POV~

She's so pretty. I didn't realize she was even this pretty until it had registered in my brain when she talked to me and I got a real look at her. I almost fainted right then and there.

Sorry let me chill out... but she's just so cute.

resisting the urge to have noya call the reader "bad" but i feel like that wouldn't happen canonnically and if you know me you know I'm all for realism. thats why i wrote a sex fanfiction about an anime in seventh grade

[y/n] batted her eyelashes and, without trying, gave me butterflies. "No problem. And please, call me [y/n]. [l/n] is what people call my dad." She smirked, and I felt heat rush back up to my cheeks. First name basis already! That's so amazing.

I tried my best to shake off my jitters and talk to her like a normal person, so I said, "That's nice of you, I'll do so."

We babbled about dumb, unimportant things, until the topic moved to volleyball. Finally, something I could sound smart about for once.

Boldly at some point, I thought up an idea. "Hey, why don't you help manage our team?" I asked, spreading my arms out as if I suggested the smartest idea.

"That would be cool, but would three managers be too much?" she wondered aloud, looking at me through her thick, long lashes.

i am sorry if you have no hair (refraining from making a jada smith joke im sorry thats insensitive)

"No, not at all! Plus we'd be like one of those really big schools! That would be really cool, everyone would love it," I suggested, smiling down at her.

She hugged herself, replying, "That would be really cool, actually. Plus, I'd get to see you more." Her eyes opened widely as soon as she said that. Blush raced up to both of our cheeks and she looked away. Holy moly bro.

"Not like-" she started.

"Daichi!" I yelled across the table, shaking my heated cheeks off. The captain of our team looked up, his mouth full of store bought noodles that he packed every day. "How does another manager sound to you?" I asked, pointing with my thumb in the direction of [y/n].

He looked over towards [y/n], his eyes big as flying saucers, and nodded slowly, trying to process what was happening. [y/n] and I simultaneously pumped our fists into the air, and we giggled at each other. She's was so cute when she laughed.

Around 10 minutes before lunch ended, [y/n] and I had finished our lunches while everyone else continued to eat. "Do you want to go to the vending machine? A good upperclassman should treat his underclassman with something as often as possible!" I winked.

corny ahh💀

We walked over to the vending machine and got sweets. [y/n] mentioned subtly the idea of moving away from the loud group and groups of admirers of hers, and sitting near what she didn't know was Kageyama's and Hinata's practice tree area.

She grabbed my hand, leading me to the cool shade, and we sat and ate our popsicles. I looked into her deep eyes, trying hard not to blush.

no pussy shit noya mad disrespect

We ate together, talking about random things until the bell rang, signaling the end of our time together.

I looked her up and down as casually as possible, noticing a drip of juice on her chin.

back to normal pov for some reason i am too lazy to fully change this entire chapter

Nishinoya leaned towards you without warning. You heart was racing. 'Can he hear it?' you wondered, because it was the only thing you were hearing right now. If he'd heard your heart beating, he didn't quite show it. Nishinoya hesitantly put his thumb on your chin, and wiped away a drop of fruit juice from your popsicles.

You heard him take a deep breath before smiling at you, causing you to immediately flush with a hot pink color. "All better," Nishinoya murmured, biting his lip in focus. Your face was practically flaming. Your butterflies were so bad and you had literally no idea why this one guy is making you so nervous.

"Walk me to class?" you asked sheepishly. Truth be you told, you wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before volleyball tonight when you'd be forced to share him with other people- and two pretty girls.

He nodded quickly and smiled ear to ear. For some ungodly reason, you found yourself glancing over his muscular body after his smile, heart thumping along to your crazy thoughts about how good he looked. You couldn't quite explain why you were thinking that. And on the first day you'd met? You shook off your weird mental pictures and continued with your conversation with your short upperclassman..

The two of you walked along the campus when you stopped at your building. You were walking up to your specific floor when an weird looking guy who must've been around 5'10 stopped you in your tracks.

"Hey girl, nice tits," he mumbled "seductively" in your ear, within hearing range of Nishinoya. You scoffed, and pushed him back. He was lanky, skinny, and pretty ugly, so you didn't fell attracted to him at all.

"Back off, weirdo," interjected Nishinoya, coolly. A crowd was forming now and you blushed deeply out of both embarrassment for the situation and... maybe pride for having a guy actually sticking up for you.

"The hell you say to me?" the lanky guy yelled back. He pushed Nishi with a ton of force, but Nishinoya didn't budge. Nishinoya swung his arm back, and punched the crazy guy in the eye, causing him to topple over... right onto the principal.

cliche but go along with it


wow another episode down i'm literally powering through these... 0-o (edit<< fuck off bro what)

this one was a lot shorter but im trying to build "suspence" for you guys lol so youre gonna have to suffer with the rest of your pals

im having so much fun with this lmao so: ANY RECOMMENDATIONS??

<3 luv u all

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