Chapter 17: "It"

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disclaimer--- this one will probably not get as lemony as y'all hoped... ya nasty
i might make it more or less smutty- but as for right now there is pretty little lemon so... read at your own risk?
if you don't want to read it for some reason, then don't because it won't seriously effect the storyline; you just need to know that they did MaKe LoVe---

I knocked on the door to Noya's house and was greeted by a well-groomed, super adorable guy. His hair was so spiky but cute, I thought that maybe he put in some gel to make it neater?

His normally graphic shirt was replaced by a white button-up that was rolled up to the beginning of his forearms at the sleeves. He looked really good. He was so cute that I ran up to him and hugged him tightly right off the bat. He grunted out of surprise but hugged me back.

"[y/n], I... do you want to do 'it' with me? I love you and I would really like it if you felt the same as me... physically..." Nishinoya entreated.

I stared at Noya for a while, trying to process what was going on. Of course I wanted to make love to my soulmate, and he knew that. We've tried to a couple times, we just never fully "did the deed" due to Nishinoya's friends interrupting on both accounts.

But the thing is, it was so adorable that he asked, and I think he knew that.

"Of course, Yuu-senpaiiii," I rolled senpai off my tongue, making Noya flash a deep pink.

"Okay, when do you-" I cut Noya off with my lips. This happened a lot. Yuu's eyes opened up wide but then he kissed me back, letting his eyelids flutter down.

I pulled back and smiled. "On second thought, maybe we should ease into it, you know?"

Nishinoya nodded vigorously, a goofy grin slathered over his face. "We could watch a movie!" he suggested excitedly.

"S-sure," I stammered, the realization of what was going on just hitting me. I was extremely nervous. Not quite nervous about actually doing the deed since I knew I loved Noya and there was nobody I'd rather lose my virginity to, but more so on not being able to pleasure Noya well enough or maybe not being "sexy" enough, I guess.

Nishinoya was trying to act cool as a cucumber, but I could see through him. He was equally as nervous as me for the same reasons. That's why I suggested we ease into it, so that it felt natural. I loved Yuu so much that I wanted everything to be as perfect as possible.

I entered Noya's house before he slipped a hand around my waist, pulling me closer as we walked to his room. My suddenly loud heartbeats accelerated drastically by this simple touch, as it usually did.

The house was completely empty like normal. I felt really bad that Noya's mom was almost never home. I could tell even before we dated that he was... lonely. Every time I brought something about his mom or his house being empty up, he smiled a sad crooked smile that gave me butterflies as well as a broken heart. He always said something along the lines of "she just gets busy."

I decided not to kill the mood now by bringing it up, but I still felt a little sad for Noya. My mom was home more than his, and that was saying something.

We entered Noya's room which was cleaner than usual. In fact, it looked vastly different from the room I remembered. I glanced around, my jaw dropping. The lewd photos of idols hanging around the walls that I was always jealous of had been taken down. They were instead replaced with... photos of us.

There were three posters turned photos in total, one selfie of the two of us, a candid photo most likely taken by Suga or Tanaka, and a planned of the two of us where we both looked really good. I remember that one, the day we went to the festival.

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