Chapter 12: The Hours After

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The next morning I woke up super giddy. Last night we'd finally kissed!

I ran out of bed, quickly getting dressed into short spandex to remain flexible for any reason (not like that you freaks) and one of Nishinoya's shirts, which I'd stolen from him the first night we spent together. I tied it up  around my waist to make it as fashionable as possible, and I smiled at the fact that it was pretty big on me.

I shuddered at the bad memories that came with that night, but it didn't matter now. Now, Nishinoya was finally going to be mine.

I ran out to the kitchen to help with breakfast. We made what the coaches called a "power breakfast" with eggs, toast, and fruits. I mostly just made the eggs the way the boys wanted me to.

Finally, Noya came up to the egg station and specifically waited for me to cook him something.

"Scrambled," he ordered with mock condescending tone. I giggled and prepared his food.

Once everyone was finished ordering, the managers and other helpers went down to eat. A bunch of random boys asked me to sit with them, but ignoring them, I made a beeline to my favorite libero.

I sat down next to Noya and hugged him tightly. His face was bright pink, but so was mine. I wanted to kiss him all over, but at the moment, nobody knew we had kissed yet.

Noya looked so cute with his hair all messed up and with a morning voice which sounded super adorable and deep. He whispered in my ear so low that no one would hear him, "Good morning, baby."

Everyone noticed my sudden change in color and disfigured, sharpened breathing, knowing Noya had said something to get me to act like this.

"Noya! What did you say to [y/n]?" questioned Tanaka, loudly. "Did you offend her? She's, like, bright red!" More heat rushed up to my face, this time for embarrassment. They thought I was angry.

"I didn't say anything except for 'good morning'," Noya innocently shrugged.

I guess he's not totally wrong, but he's leaving out another word, I thought.

"Y-yeah, yeah, I'm t-totally fine," I sputtered.

"Ohhh, I get it," Tsukki growled.

"Noya's gettin' freaky there, huh?" Tanaka shouted, alarming the nearby tables.

I shushed him by putting a finger to my lips and flushing a hot pink.

"He is! " Tanaka whisper-screamed.

"No, no, he's just... he makes me nervous, I guess," I assured him. Noya raised an eyebrow with a smug smile coming across his face.

"Is that true?!" Nishinoya asked loudly.

"I-I don't kn-know," I stuttered. Nishinoya intertwined his fingers with mine under the table. I let of a sigh of relief, feeling like bricks were lifted off my shoulders just by his simple touch. This did not, however, slow my now accelerating heartbeats.

"It's fine, you do that to me, too!" Noya whispered in my ear. I smiled and squeezed his hand. "Hey, what shirt are you wearing?" Noya wondered aloud, probably trying to embarrass me or something.

"W-well, when y-you spent the n-night-" I slapped a hand over my mouth. Everyone in hearing range looked over at us. Especially the Karasuno boys who didn't know, whose jaws dropped.

The the tall rooster head, Kuroo, shouted, "Kenma, this guy is way cooler than you! Why don't you have a girlfriend??"

"You don't have one either," Kenma deadpanned, probably not trying to. Kuroo went over to argue with Kenma, but Kenma just focused on his game, not touching his food.

"Y-you left the shirt when you sp-spent the n-night, Noya-chan," I finished, sputtering through every word.

"NOYA-CHAN?" the group shouted. "You guys must be dating!"

"No, not yet," Nishi confirmed, grinning widely. Yet?

My face's blush got deeper toned, if possible, and I pulled myself closer to Nishinoya. I looked up to him and shoved my head into the crook of his neck to hide my face from the other boys. I heard Noya's loud thumping from his chest, and it made me feel better about how nervous I was for physical affection with the best, cutest boy I'd ever seen.

The team freaked out about us touching, dialed it down when Daichi told them to shut up, and I moved my head out from Noya's neck, and moving back in to admire him. I got such an uncontrollable urge to kiss him. I did exactly that.

I moved in to Nishinoya's cheek kissing it quickly. I couldn't help myself.

Noya got chills and whisper-screamed, "[y/n]! Not here!"

"Yes, here," I whispered back.

Tanaka passed out when he'd seen what I was doing. Asahi blushed and excused himself, while the rest of the team just stared in awe.

Tsukishima scoffed and rolled his eyes, complaining, "You can't do this and say you're not dating."

I pulled my head away and noticed Nishinoya's wide eyes and red face. I giggled, since I knew I'd probably had the exact same tone covering my own skin.

I squeezed Noya's hand under the table, wanting Noya in as many ways possible, but I'd have to hold myself back until we were alone.


After breakfast, Kiyoko and I watched all of the matches, helping the players out when we could. Nishinoya got to set a ball from the back row! Everyone was absolutely mesmerized.

When Fukurodoni called their timeout, I made sure to give Nishinoya the towel and water first. I leaned over and kissed his cheek again for a good luck.

I heard whispers around the gym of my short little spandex shorts I was wearing, and I saw Nishinoya get tensed up. Seeing him jealous was not exactly a new sight, but now he completely had a right to be jealous, so it was fun to tease him.

Karasuno managed to keep their eyes away from ym spandex, already being somewhat used to it.

idk how they kept their eyes off you- ur such a snackkk boo

The eyes did end up making me more uncomfortable, so I slipped on my sweatpants.

Nishinoya had the hardest time concentrating before that, no pun intended. Finally, the game ended, Karasuno just barely losing. We were all still proud of them.

That was it for lunch. Nishinoya and I sat next to each other with the Karasuno boys surrounding us.

"Don't think we didn't see you kiss Noya's cheek, [l/n]," the table pointed out. I kissed Nishinoya's cheek in protest, telling them that I didn't care how much affection for Noya I showed.

Pink raced up to my cheeks whenever I was around Nishi, no matter how confident I was trying to be.

Nishinoya tugged on my shirt. It was cute, even though I was shorter than him. "[y/n], as soon as lunch is over, can we go out to the tree we reached where we did our running when we lost the set?" 

I nodded feverishly, unable to respond. What would he want to do at the tree??

Nishinoya and I held each others hands for he rest of lunch. We talked about random things, like we had while we were friends. Everything felt so natural, except now I didn't need to hold back flirting as much.

We were both blatantly obvious about liking one another, everyone could see it. But in my own little world, he was the only one I could see. The others talking were like flies buzzing around my ears. The only person who mattered was Nishinoya.


whats gonna happen at the tree boys -=3=-

u neeeverrr know

im thinking about carrying this on during their relationship, thought? :B-)

any requests or suggestions?

thank yall for reading, luv u <3

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