Chapter 20: Loved

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final chapter:((( i'm pretty bummed and also supeerrrr sorry this took so long, but volleyball is just wrapping up and i've been going to a ton of beginning clinics and just training my body and my mental health for future games so much to the point where i couldn't have the focus to work on this kinda stuff. i hope ur not too mad and enjoy this chapter!

IMPORTANT!! should i do a full out lemon? i won't unless someone requests it by messaging me or commenting :/ i've been pretty on the fence but i might since i've already lost so much dignity writing this story for you horny hopeless romantics ;)

i was going to originally but it felt too awkward, but i might get over my fears for you guys. it would basically just be an extra chapter but not really count too much for the plot. you wanna see the intimacy between you and noya ? 😳


anyways, carry on :D


I woke up the next morning with all my thoughts focused on confronting Kiyoko about her romantic advances towards my man.

I knew Nishinoya loved me but I also knew that Kiyoko was in the picture first, so I wasn't sure who he would choose if it came down to it.

After we got dressed that morning, I gave my mom a call and we chatted a bit over how the previous two nights went. Obviously I didn't tell her about the "activities" Yuu and I partook in, but she might've suspected.

We walked to school hand in hand when Noya ran over to Tanaka after kissing my cheek goodbye. He was definitely going to brag about our "second time."

Yes, we went two nights in a row. Don't judge, Noya's surprisingly but not surprisingly horny. A lot of the time. Like, a lot a lot.

But that never bothered me. I love Noya so much nothing about him would bother me. Unless he cheated on me or something, but I know he never would. He's too perfect for that.

I made a beeline for Kiyoko as soon as I saw her conversing with Yatchi about some random topic I didn't care enough to tune into.

"Kiyoko-san, can we talk real quick?" I whispered barely loud enough for Yatchi to take a hint. She bowed 90 degrees and quickly ran over to Hinata and Kageyama probably off somewhere practicing by themselves.

"What seems to be the problem, [y/n]?" Kiyoko asked me.

"Why were you so persistent to talk to Yuu-chan yesterday? You weren't flirting or-"

Kiyoko quickly cut me off. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she bowed continuously shaking her head.

"Oh lord, [y/n], I would never! I'm so sorry you that I..." she trailed off. "In truth, I really wanted to have him give me tips about Tanaka. It was... embarrassing... to say the least... so I didn't tell you."

I digested all of this information before deciding to believe her. Kiyoko has never showed any interest in Noya, and it doesn't make sense as to why a love would spark so randomly.

I nodded my head, a sudden blush running up to my face. I felt so embarrassed to be accusing her of such a thing.

"I'm... sorry, Shimizu-chan. I just figured the worst."

"It's fine, I'm sorry I didn't let you in on my weird little... plan, I guess you could call it," she apologized back. "If it's not awkward, do you think the both of you could maybe... help me get with Tanaka? Rather than just have him idolize me in some way, if that makes sense."

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