Chapter 18: Mom?

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I laid back down on the bed, panting. The rhythm of mine and Noya's breaths are synchronized as I stare up to the ceiling.

Everything was so perfect and passionate. The whole time Yuu was being so nice about what was happening, constantly asking if "this thing was okay" and if "I was fine with this thing." It was really gentleman-like.

After a few moments of silence when we caught our breaths, I turned my head to face Noya's.

"That was... absolutely... perfect," I whispered with a tug upwards on the corners of my mouth.

Nishinoya's eyes went down to look at mine. "It really was," he breathed as he propped himself up on his elbows.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, pushing his body back down to his pillow. My cheeks were speckled with pink dust when I recalled the events that took place. "Noya's so... big," I accidentally thought aloud.

From the top of my head, I felt the heat racing to Noya's cheeks. "T-thank you... ?" I jumped up and apologized, explaining how I didn't mean to say that aloud.

It was true though, he was like 8 1/2 inches. That's like half his body.

don't call me weird for adding that in since literally everyone is calling noya small
just be glad i didn't give him 13 inches like he deserves if ur mad or something

"I love you, [y/n]," Nishinoya chuckled, thinking back to what I'd said.

"I love you more," I tested.

"Doubt it." I crawled over to Noya so I was on top of him, pressing my bare, warmed body up against his. He shivered and I pressed my lips to his on instinct.

"Are you sure? Because-"

Our conversation was cut short but the abrupt swinging open of Yuu's bedroom door. The room went silent. God knows what whoever opened the door was seeing.

My first thought was either Tanaka, Hinata, or Suga had showed up. I don't know why, they just came to mind.

But God was I wrong. And for once, I wished I wasn't.

An older lady, maybe late thirties, early forties busted through yelling for Noya.

Noya and I went quiet when we all realized how two naked teenagers with one on the top of the other and this crazy lady had come in with no warning.

Nishinoya and I were thankfully still under the covers, but you could see our exposed shoulders and messed hair. Not the mention the feminine undergarments sprawled across the floor that I was 99% did not belong to Noya.

Unless he has nice taste in black laced bras, you never know.

Nishinoya wrapped his arms around me protectively. "Mom? Oh my God, get out!" he exclaimed.

What the hell?  "Mom" he said? My eyes widened. Nobody knew she was coming back today.

She nodded slowly, running her eyes over the scene and then sprinting out.

I sweat dropped and fell back onto my side of the bed. "Holy..." I murmured.

"Why the hell is my mom back?" Nishinoya wondered aloud. "She was supposed to be with my aunt for weeks longer..."

"I don't know. God, that was a thing to walk into."

Nishinoya chuckled and pulled me in for a tight hug. "She likes you. It doesn't matter if she doesn't now, she's not around that much anyways to make her opinion matter." Noya's smile faltered and I could sense his urgency and struggle to keep his grin up as well as he could.

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