Chapter 5: The Silence

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sorry quick derailing from the story but my noyabooboobear looks so damn hot in the photo^^^^ okay sorry continue

I quickly pulled my body away from his. How could he catch me in the act? I laid on the bed, stiff, waiting for Noya to say something. I waited for a while.

"Hey... it's fine," he tried to assure me, sensing my overwhelming embarrassment. "I was pretty cold anyways, so you helped me out, I guess," he whispered in my ear. I got chills, but it wasn't because of the coldness in the room.

"I... I'm afraid of the dark. I don't like going near the underside of my bed at night time," I admitted.

Nishi laughed, "Is that why you were spooning me?" I cringed. "Just wake me up, I'll get the blanket."

We both paused.

"Are you gonna get it?" I asked finally.

"No, I liked the other way we preserved heat," he joked.

I hoped he couldn't see my blush in the darkness of the bedroom. "Ew, you're so sick." I pushed Nishinoya a little too hard, making him fall off the bed.

I heard a thump and couldn't stop giggling. "Oww..." Noya groaned. "Help me back up!" I saw a hand pop out from near the side of the bed. I gave in and reached my hand over, falling for the most noticeable trick imaginable.

Noya tugged on my hand and pulled me off the bed, making me land on top of him. I was propped up on my hands, which were balanced on the floor. I hovered over him, who was lying flat on the ground. My hair fell over my face, so I pulled one side back behind my ear.

We giggled at the same time for a while until then... there was silence.

The quiet was a bit awkward at first, but then it was just... us. We, for those few moments, were combined. Every breath was taken as a whole. Every movement was graceful. We fell on the side of the window, so I could perfectly see him as a whole, so stared deep into his eyes. We were both flushed a beet red color. His breath-taking speckled hazel orbs looked back into my own eyes and I felt true love for the first time.

The way he looked in his baggy logo-ed t-shirt and loose, grey basketball shorts was illegal. He was so perfect. It felt like it wasn't real- a scene from a movie about a strangers to lovers trope.

i look at you

Our loud, fast heartbeats were synchronized. Every time we moved even a centimetre, it was graceful and catlikel. My blush only intensified due to the absolute comfort I felt with him.

Nishinoya was biting on his bottom lip with his top front teeth. His eyes trailed over my body, and he raised his eyebrows for a moment. I couldn't be mad, though, I was doing the same.

He so was muscular for such a small stature, and I admired how amazing he was. I thought of how he kissed my abdomen earlier in the night and I wanted him to do it again, but while he was conscious and I'd like him to aim for my lips. I continued to stare into his beautiful eyes.

There was nothing more I wanted in this moment then to have him. I wanted him to be mine. I want to be his. I want everything about him and everything about me to have everything about each other.

"Nishinoya..." I mumbled. My voice was so drenched with pure idolization and love, that it almost sounded like I was on the brink of crying.

Then, he leaned in for the kiss. Oh God.

Without thinking I launched myself away from him. I can't afford to make any more relationship mistakes then I already have... I haven't even known him that long.

I needed to stop this. As soon as possible. If I didn't do literally anything else than be this close to him, I would break down. "I can't do this. I-I mean..." I stopped. I thought through what I was about to say. "We should go back to sleep," I whispered through my sadness, which seemed to be collecting in my throat. His eyebrows arched downwards.

I looked into Noya's face and recognized his look. Pain morphed to a mix of a person who had been through a total annihilation of their feelings and anger.

I pulled myself up, and gave Noya my hand to help him back onto the bed. He rejected my hand and got himself up. By the time we were falling back asleep, we were on opposite sides of the bed. I wanted to be back in his arms, but I knew I couldn't handle it, so I didn't make the move.

"Noya, I-" I started, wanting to apologize.

"Stop. Just stop it," he cut me off.

I turned around to face him, but he was already looking the other way. "Please, Noya, just let me-"

"I said stop. You've done more than enough for tonight, thanks [l/n]." I shuddered at the way he said my surname, instead of "[y/n]" or "[n/n]."

That night I dreamed about what Hell was like.


wowww this one was sad and long v( ̯ )v

im so sorry lmao but i need to make yall wait a little bit for the good stuff so youll have to struggle with the characters

this one actually bummed me out while i was writing it lol ;-(

any suggestions or requests for the story??

thank u all sm for reading <3!!

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