Chapter 4: Study Nights

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It had been about two weeks after I'd officially been named the third manager of the Karasuno volleyball team manager and around three weeks since my first day here.

I love this school so much, and Kiyoko and I were becoming fast friends considering the age gap. Nishinoya and I only got closer and closer, and we started studying together. He was surprisingly good at math, and I excelled far beyond him in Reading, English, and Japanese.

He would often come over and vise versa and we'd study until late, goofing off a lot and having blush fits until late, and one of us left.

It was a week before the scheduled training camp and Nishinoya needed especially to study, or else he wouldn't be permitted to leave school and go to the training camp or practice games. I tried my best to ease as much tension from him as I possibly could.

We actually lived very close to each other, but we'd just never noticed for the first week before we actually went to each other's houses.

On this night, we were walking home. We planned on going to my house since my mom wouldn't be there to bombard us with "boyfriend and girlfriend" questions, since she was out on a business trip. His mom would constantly ask if anyone wanted snacks which Nishinoya found annoying, so we just decided to study in my room for this night after club time.

I unlocked the front door by retrieving the key from my bra and we stepped in. I walked over to the counter and found a note.

Hey honey,

I'm sorry I'll be gone for a few days. Make sure you actually feed yourself! It's fine if you bring your study friend over, just don't make too big a mess and use protection!

-your loving mother

I cringed at that last part, and made sure to crumple the note and toss it so Noya couldn't read it. Noya was already helping himself to the pre-made ramen from my mom that I'd set out and heated up for him once I'd got home. I got my own bowl, and scarfed half of it down, not that hungry from standing around practice. I noticed Nishinoya was already finished, so I passed him my bowl, which he gladly vacuumed up. I giggled and used my thumb to clean his lip up from some droplets of broth when he was done.

canonically noya is the third biggest eater (so imagine how his head game is)

i should go

My heart pounded whenever I did something like that, but I loved the feeling, so I touched him like that any chance I got.

I've somewhat come to terms with the fact that I have a crush on Nishinoya, I just wish he felt the same way. I licked my lips and started upstairs to my room, motioning Noya to follow.

He gladly did, running up to stairs to my room, entering before me. Noya jumped onto my bed quickly, lying down with his hands behind his head. I pushed him off, and we worked at my desk until 11:30-ish, when Noya fell half-asleep.

I rolled my eyes and cooed, "Noya... how are you feeling bubby?" I asked that in a mock-baby voice.

"Hmm..." both of our chairs were side by side, touching, so he leaned over, hugging my waist. He kissed my hip with his head resting on my lap. "Pretty girl..."

I knew now that he was either truly half-asleep or he was dreaming, and acting his dreams out.

"You think I'm pretty, Noya?" I asked, trying to coax an answer out of him.

"Very pretty, girly..." he responded. He stopped, but then kissed up my stomach, nuzzling his face into my abdomen. I leaned my head back, hoping in secret that he was actually conscious. But for all I knew, he thought I was one of those girls on his magazines or posters. He continued to kiss upwards and when he got to my breast, I drew the line. I inhaled sharply out of shock and pushed him away.

I picked him up by his hand, and he sleep-walked with me over to the bed. There's no way he's staying up throughout the walk to his house, he might as well crash here.


I had the best dream about kissing [y/n] all over, when I was a little bit awakened by her to walk over to her bed. I guess I was spending the night here.

I opened my eyes back up after a little bit, when I saw the craziest sight.

[y/n] was undressing to get into her pajamas. I had the perfect view of her side as her shirt came off and she changed into a small tank-top, but kept her bra on since she had a guest, I assumed.

I wondered if I was still dreaming, so I pinched myself, hard, but I felt it. She walked over to the bed, got under the covers, and I heard her drift off into sleep. I was a teensy weensy bit turned on right now and I couldn't quite sleep, so I just turned myself around, and listened to [y/n] breathing. Eventually, I drifted off, too, and dreamed of kissing [y/n], again.

POV: [y/n]

I woke up the next morning snuggled up in Nishinoya's arms. At first, I didn't mind it at all, but once I got a glimpse of reality, I realized what was happening. It was 3:57 AM and the covers were kicked off, probably by me. I squirmed myself away from him awkwardly. I noticed Nishinoya had goosebumps, so I searched for the covers in the dark, but couldn't find it.

I'd most likely kicked it off of the bed, and there was no way I was going off the safety of my bed in the night. I have this weird phobia of burglars or rapists hiding under my bed, so I was stuck up at the top of my bed, watching my crush freeze.

My groggy mindset let me know that I would be a terrible host if I let Noya get cold in the middle of the night, so I debated waking him up and having him help me get the cover off, or warming him up with my own body.

My idiot self rubbed his legs with my hands and scooted up really close to him, making him the little spoon. He shivered due to the change in temperature, and I only tightened my grip around his waist. I heard some shuffling around just as I was about to fall back asleep, but this woke me up. Noya turned around and looked at my wide open eyes.

"Um... what are you doing?" he whispered in the darkness, obviously confused. His voice was groggy and deep which sent a wave of butterflies through my body.

I raised an eyebrow, which he could see due to the moon and streetlights shining on my face through my window. "What was he talking about?" I wondered. Then I realized how close we were and how I was tangled over his body.

Currently, my leg with hitched over his legs, my arms around his shoulders, and my face nestled on both his neck and chest.

Oh, God. How can I explain this?


WOO this one was HEATED buds 0-O

should i keep this lemony stuff up?

how do u guys think she could explain herself -.-

as always, any suggestions or things u want included in the story next?

i hope u enjoyed my babies <3

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