Chapter 13: Confession

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As soon as lunch was finished, I started to  help clean up the room. I mainly staying with Kiyoko, gossiping with her about boys.

"Sooo... Noya asked me to meet him at the cheery blossom tree!" I squealed, just softly enough so that only Kiyoko heard me.

"That's very nice, [y/n], I'm happy," she monotoned. Kiyoko never really had too much expression, but it was all part of her charm.

"Who do you like?" I queered, trying to engage her in some fun conversation.

"I... I don't really know," she blushed, looking away from me, biting her thumb.

"Oh my God. You like someone!" I chorused, trying to contain my excitement.

"I don't know, but Tanaka has really been growing on me... it's just... maybe I've been wrong for ignoring his 'flirtiness' these past years. Could he be right for me?" Kiyoko wondered aloud, speaking more to herself than me.

"Look, Tanaka is the best. I really think you should go for it. Nothing will every really be boring with him around, that's for sure," I rolled my eyes smiling, thinking about how purely idiotic Tanaka was.

Kiyoko giggled for maybe the 3rd time I've seen since I met her. She was very beautiful.

"Hey, [y/n], we can take it from here, we're almost done anyways. Noya-koushi is waiting for you. Make sure you tell me exactly what happens."

"Thank you so much, Kiyoko-senpai. I'll tell you everything." I kissed Shimizu's cheeks and bolted out of the kitchen.

I caught the eyes of some changing boys running so fast, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered unless it involved Nishinoya. I ran up the hill to the tree, sprinting faster than any team could've after losing a match. Noya must've been waiting there for me, so I needed to get moving!

I wasn't the slightest out of breath, adrenaline fueling my every move.

I looked up and around the sakura tree as I arrived, walking under the shade of the leaves. There were blossoms falling around us. Spring was here already and it totally set the mood.

Nishinoya caught my eye and I ran up to hug him tightly. "What did you need, Noya?" I asked, biting my lip.

Nishi took a deep breath. My chest felt like it was vibrating at the speed it thumped. My face was permanently a light pink, making the blossoms around us. "I... I came here to ask you something. [y/n], we've been friends for a long time, b-but I always... felt something m-more." Nishinoya regrouped himself, trying to stop stuttering. Noya looked up to the sky, like he was praying silently. "Up until the bus ride, I had no slimmer of an idea or hope you felt the same. Then, when you tried to kiss me, I thought to myself, 'huh, maybe she does like me.'"

"Y-yeah, Noya?" I breathed once he paused. My heart was beating faster than I thought possible.

"Then, last night happened. You kissed me. I felt... so happy. I knew you had to feel something towards me. I'm hoping what happened was not a fluke because..." he stopped.

I couldn't help myself anymore. I had to tell him.


I couldn't help myself anymore. I had to tell her.

I pulled out the jewelry box I'd been saving since the before beginning of the camp. I made a stop at the mall a while ago, hoping to confess to [y/n] a while ago. It obviously never ended up happening, so I just held this box in my room for the longest time, hiding it whenever [y/n] came over.

I opened the box containing a heart shaped locket. On the backside, the words Guardian of My Heart were engraved into the gold. The front side was both of our names in smaller, cursive font, so everyone would know it was ours.

I handed [y/n] the necklace shyly, blushing profusely. I looked away, trying to hide my nervousness. Maybe the locket was too cheesy for even [y/n].

i know yall are hella cheesy if you're reading this fanfic so literally chill out, take a break, stop blushing at this story, anddddd continue

[y/n] opened the locket, tearing collecting in her eyes. A picture of the two of us on the court when [y/n] had first decided to manage us was placed carefully inside. She looked really good in that photo, so I used it knowing she wouldn't be mad at me for the picture choice.

"Do you like it?" I asked sheepishly.

"Do I like it? I love it!" she cried, bringing me in for a hug before pulling away quickly. "And... also, I..."

"I love you," we both said at the same time.

My heart pounded in my chest and I worried I might have a heart attack. Blush crept up on both of us.

We flushed a beet red towards each other.

With excitement, of course. I loved [y/n] more than anything else, aside from volleyball. Those two passions were tied.

POV: [Y/N]

I thought I was going to faint. I breathed out, feeling like someone had finally lifted the bricks off of my shoulders that I'd owned for so long.

I stared at Noya for a while, him looking right back at me. We were both too happy and surprised to act on anything. Finally, I ran up to him and hugged him tightly, more so than when he gave me the locket.

I turned my head around, motioning for Noya to help me with tying the necklace around my neck. He clipped it perfectly and admired the golden shine on my neck.

I snuggled closer to Nishinoya, wrapped my arms around his neck, stood up on my tiptoes, and connected our lips. Noya slid an arm around my waist, snaking his other arm up to knot my hair. We kissed for a while, the nip of the cool wind blowing through our hair, rocking the leaves of the sakura tree.

The cherry tree blossoms fell around us, creating the perfect scene. I breathed in Noya's sweet scent and felt completely and totally happy. Nobody was around to groan about me now being taken, so it was just us. Just happiness.

I pulled my head back to admire my new boyfriend when I noticed the sakura blossoms in his hair. Nishinoya looked like a model. Like, literally, he looked so handsome.

I pushed my head back in for more kisses. I couldn't help myself, he was too perfect and he was all mine, now.

This kiss was different from the first one. In the beginning of this kiss, I pressed my lips to his softly, but slowly started to get more passionate.

I slipped my tongue in, hoping he would accept it, which he did. I was pretty uncomfortable since I had never really kissed anyone like this, but this was Noya- how bad could I possibly make it out to be? I heard Noya moan lightly after around 5 minutes of kissing when I licked his bottom lip.

Noya sucked air in through his teeth as he pulled away from the kiss. "Ugh, as much as I hate saying this, we really should get back," he whispered, making my heart thump louder at the sound of his raspy voice.

"Yeah, you're probably right. God knows my little libero needs to put in some work," I teased, pushing Nishi slightly.

"I don't even know how you managed to offend me so much in one sentence by saying that I need to work on stuff and by calling me little, but good on you. C'mon, let's head out," Noya smiled toothily, taking my hand and starting to drag me back to the gym.

We took our sweet time walking back down the hill, though, still dazed from our confessions.

I love Nishinoya, and now he knew it.


its about mf time theyre so dense

okayyyy should i put in lemons now that theyre OfFiCiAlLy DaTiNg? (▰˘◡˘▰)

any suggestions?

thanks for reading u sexy souls! <3333

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