Chapter 6: Getting Back

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The next morning, I woke up with the blanket on me (thankfully) and in Nishinoya's arms- again. I didn't think much of it and quite frankly, even if I did have a completely clear head I still wouldn't budge.

Noya was still sleeping, his hair tousled around and his shirt lifted up a bit, exposing his abs. I hugged him a bit tighter and pulled us as close as possible, with my head buried in his chest. Technically, I should be getting up right about now, but I wanted to wait until Noya was awake and I was forced to move.

I felt Noya's morning-wood press against my legs, and I shivered.

literally why did i write this (anyways he's packing hella lmfao)

I almost fell back asleep when Nishinoya awoke and pushed me off him pretty harshly. I pretended to wake up, startled.

"I have to get ready," Nishinoya spoke extremely dryly to me. I got up and turned on the light since it was still pretty dark outside, when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

I looked like an absolute mess. Dried tears and mascara showed all too well of how badly I cried last night and Nishinoya noticed, too. Literally I almost never cry?? When did I tear up??

"Oh, shoot," I said to myself as quietly as possible, but I think that Noya heard me.

I looked over to him for a split second and saw that he gave me a look of pity.

"Nishinoya, can I please tell you something?" I pleaded, hoping he wouldn't cut me off or ignore me again.

"Yeah, whatever," he responded, toneless.

"I'm really sorry about last night. I genuinely couldn't be near you-" I saw his face regain that pained expression he gave last night. "Wait! -because it made me too full of..." I needed to chose my words carefully, if he doesn't return the feeling, that would be even worse than I fight to me. "... happiness." That wasn't a lie.

"What do you mean?"

"When we were there, together on the floor, and I looked down at you, I got so happy but then so sad that you... weren't..." How the hell and I supposed to continue this sentence with any other word than "mine" without lying? "... as close as I'd like us to be."

Nishinoya raised an eyebrow suspiciously, and asked, "W-what do you... how close would you like us to be?"

"The b-best of friends?" I asked. I didn't believe my voice for a second, but this was as far as I was gonna get, for now.

Nishinoya's faced softened a bit, and I think that deep in his heart, he understood exactly what I was really trying to say.

"Well, it was late. A lot happened that doesn't matter," he explained, his tone trying but failing to hide the harshness. Ouch. That one stung. Like it hurt really bad to hear that. "We can just drop it."

"I-If you say so."

"Let's get going, I can't be late to practice."

And that was it. The end of our first real fight. Everything would go back to normal. No progress made on my plan to get him to fall head-over-heels with me. Fun.

We got dressed (I lent him one of my mom's tomboy shirts and he had the rest of his stuff in his bag, brushed our teeth with a brush I lent him, and then we went downstairs to eat.


We walked down the stairs together to go eat, our hair still not brushed.

Last night really pissed me off. I thought we were finally going somewhere, when she just starts spazzing out and running away from me.

I heard her sniffling in her sleep, too. I almost went over to see her and comfort her, but I didn't want her to think I wasn't mad at her.

Then, she confirmed that she only thought of us as friends and that the farthest she wants to go in our relationship is "best of friends". However, I'm still not giving up. I'm a pretty stubborn guy, so she will fall in love with me, whether she wants to or not.

We got down and I sat at the kitchen island while she prepared what I think is Miso Shiru. I love miso soup, as [y/n] knows. Maybe she was trying to apologize to me even further?

"So... did you get good things out of our study session?" [y/n] asked.

I remembered back to the dream I had about kissing her all over before she half-woke me up. I blushed a fierce pink. "All I remember is the dream I had."

"Oh!" she exclaimed, blushing a light red color. Why was she blushing? Did I talk in my sleep? Or worse... do something to her? Or maybe an object in her room? "What did you dream about?"

"It was kinda weird, I was kissing you," I responded, confidently. This is sure to get us somewhere.

She choked on her broth for a second before saying, "That explains a lot."

"What do you mean?" more heat rose up to my face. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Well, your head was on my lap and you were kissing from my hips all the way up to my oppai..."

i'm saying oppai and chin chin and shit because i really don't wanna type out "fat huge mommy milker badonkadonk titties"

"And you let me??" I thought aloud. I was red as a tomato now, and she was too.

"I stopped you once you got too far up..." Then she decided to make a joke out of it. "You can live out your fantasies every once in a while, I'll let that happen," she quipped.

"Well then, how about right now?" I leaned in for a kiss, partly to carry on the bit but partly hoping she would accept it with her lips.

Her head quickly turned to the side and I kissed her cheek instead, softly. It was a very sweet nonetheless and I felt [y/n] shiver seconds before I pulled away.

"Good enough," I joked. [y/n] didn't respond to that, she just had her eyes open so wide so much I thought she would spontaneously combust and went back to eating her soup.

My heart was thumping in my ears as I went back to eating. Maybe this wasn't meant to be the place for our first kiss, but I was sure it would happen soon.


oookay they got kinda back on track but notice how awkward it was talking about the previous night ='0

this one was hard to write and be sure to keep in mind that they arent fully back to being each other bc now theres more tension

should i introduce some more people to the story?? :E)

what do u think should happen at the training camp 0-o

any suggestions or requests?

thank u all sm for reading!! <3

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