Chapter 8: Back to Reality

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I was silenced by his lips on mine. I kissed him back, passionately.

We fell back on the counter of the first aid room so I was on top of him. I kissed down his neck and then back up again to his lips. We made loud humming noises as we threw away our need for air.

My hands trailed all around his hair as he unbuttoned my top, throwing it off the counter. He then attacked my bra, brushing it off the counter as he went in to kiss my-

"[y/n]?" Noya murmured.

"Yes?" I opened my eyes. Oh shoot. My fantasy got way to out of hand. I had drooled a little bit while I was not paying attention to reality, so I wiped it away quickly.

"Are you done cleaning me up yet?" he asked.

It looks like I had trailed off into my gross thoughts as soon as I felt his print on my leg.

I was still straddling him, my skirt hiked up but I wasn't half naked, rubbing my manko on his... thingy, or making out with him. Unfortunately.

"Oh, um, yeah. I just finished," I responded.

"Okay, you kinda zoned out there," he chuckled.

"Yeah, that happens to me a lot."

"Okay, should we get going back now?"

"Yeah, probably." I hoped off of him, and he put his hands in his pockets to cover his erection as much as possible. "You coming?" I asked when he didn't follow me.

"Yeah, yeah, just give me a second." I'm not sure why he stayed back, but when he came out at least he wasn't hard anymore.

"Let's go back, then."

We walked in silence until he asked me, "What were you doing back there? You literally sat on me." He laughed, but not in a super joking way.

"I needed to reach the parts I couldn't get to." Noya raised an eyebrow. "Not like that, you pervert," I lied.

Noya laughed and smiled down at me and I melted. He looked up at the gym, smiled even wider when he saw Tanaka yelling for him to rejoin his group. "Thank you, [y/n]," he soothed me with his voice. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear impulsively, but sweetly. My lip quivered and my heartbeats quickly accelerated. I felt a pink tone rush up to my face before he turned back and ran into the gym.

I stood there for a while, processing everything that just happened to me. I want Noya to push my hair back all the time.


Practice was over and Noya agreed to come over and study again since he really needed to pass his final exams so he could attend his training camp. I tried my hardest to forget what had happened the night before, but walking towards my house and looking in my window, it was the only thing that came to mind.

I unlocked the door by retrieving the key from my bra, and I entered the kitchen. My mom wasn't going to be home until two more days, so the house was empty again.

"Let me cook for you. This time, not just leftovers," I offered.

"Please do, I'm starving. Thank you!" he accepted.

I got out the ingredients for some udon noodle dishes and I began to cook. It only took me about 15 minutes when I had the dishes served.

"This is so good!" Noya exclaimed in between bites.

"Thank you, I try."

I watched him eat and giggled to myself, since he was so messy. I gave him what was left over from my bowl and led him upstairs once all the dishes were put away.

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