Chapter 3: His Eyes

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There we were, in the principal's office for a fight on my first day of school. Luckily, he was letting Nishinoya off with a warning with out rebuttal from lanky's arguments saying Nishi was only using "self defense," which technically was true. The warning was such a blessing, considering Nishinoya's track record from before, which was marked with multiple offenses.

We walked out and were excused to class, while lanky had been offered with a choice of in-school suspension for two weeks or out of school suspension for a week. I'm not sure what he chose.

Before I walked into my class, I stopped Nishinoya. "Thank you for sticking up for me back there. I'm not quite used to people doing that for me. They usually just say I'm a tease, or whatever." Noya stood in front of me around 20 centimetres away.

"No problem, [y/n]-san! I'd do that for you any day," he grinned widely and put his fists on his hips, making a sort of superhero pose. I giggled and fought the urge to bring Nishinoya in for a hug.

"Well, thank you, Senpaiii!" I over enunciated the "i", knowing he loved being called senpai, due to some information I obtained thanks to some of his volleyball friends from lunch.

He blushed very harshly, and looked away. "Anytime, [n/n]." His eyes popped open. He just called me chan. "I-I-I mean-"

"It's fine, Nishinoya-san," I eased him. "You can call me that if you want." HE CALLED ME A CUTE LIL NICKNAME AHH! I thought. I squealed internally and smiled brightly on the outside. I'm not sure why. I don't even like him like that.

okay girl bye 🙄

He looked back at me, grinned just enough to stir my insides around, and walked away. I sulked back into my classroom, knowing I'd have to be without Noya for a while. He's such a great friend, I didn't want him to leave me.

get friendzoned fucker lmfaooo🖕🤣🖕


When the bell signalling the end of the school day finally rang, I practically sprinted out of my classroom, speeding through the halls to get to the second year building. In the process, I ending up launching myself into Nishinoya when I wasn't quite looking at where I was going.

We both sprang into each other with me lying on top of his chest and him laying on the ground. AHH!!! My cheeks were a dark pink, and I looked deeply into his eyes before having to stare away.

Noya looked up, confused, noticed it was me, and his heart-rate accelerated, thumping loudly with mine. He cleared his throat out of embarrassment of his heartbeat, and then chuckled loudly. "We've got to stop meeting like this!" he exclaimed.

I giggled along with him in agreement. "Eh, it's not that bad," I thought aloud, without noticing it. Damn it. End me now, like, seriously.

why did i write this lol but it's too iconic to delete so deal with it

Noya didn't seem to mind and he laughed like I was joking. Maybe he thought I was joking. I hoped so.

I tried to get myself back up, but instead I just accidentally straddled and rubbed against him, purely on accident. He shivered, his eyes huge. Blush raced up to our faces, covering mine with multiple patchy, red blotches, and light pink heat covering his bare cheeks and nose.

I re-positioned myself, which only ended with him on top of me! In the way we tangled with each other, so a part of my cleavage was showing. He looked down, raised his eyebrows and blinked a few times, then gracefully popped up. Why couldn't I do that? I fixed myself myself, but not before noticing a few guys looking my way.

"S-sorry! Oh my God! I'm s-so sorry!" I stammered, in awe of how I was able to be so very monumentally stupid.

lmao you fucking idiot

"Ack! It's alright, it was an accident, I hope," he replied, somewhat frantically, while still smiling with a hint embarrassment in his tone and smirk.

His hazel-brown eyes looked down at me once we had both risen to our feet. I didn't even notice I was gnawing aimlessly on my bottom lip when I got lost into his perfect eyes. The light, hazel, blond color contrasted perfectly with his darker colors in his eyes. The way the sun's light reflected the natural beauty of his orbs in his eyes was almost too much for me to handle. My lip started to tear a bit, so I kept myself content with biting my tongue with my lips parted somewhat.

"We should get going to practice. I assume you need to fill out the paperwork? Ah, never mind, I think you should look at what you're working with first."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

I couldn't get the dilemma we were just in out of my head. I secretly hoped that he couldn't either. Not only one of us should have to suffer with that embarrassment... even though it was only my fault.

So, we walked to the volleyball club room in complete awkward silence. I looked at how toned his arms were as he changed into his volleyball shirt. The girls all left when they boys had to change, but Nishinoya took his shirt of without warning, so I stared for a little bit, then rushed out, pink, the boys laughing behind me.

Throughout the entire practice, I struggled to tear my eyes off of Nishinoya's build. He got so serious when he played, I almost started sweating as much as him out there when the butterflies appeared in my stomach.

"You see that save, [y/n]?" Noya would constantly ask me, watching from the side of their Coach Ukai. I would always nod excitedly in response and cheer for everything he did. He was such a cutie when he sweated.

Woah. Hold up there, I didn't mean that like I said it. Obviously he was attractive, but I mean... I don't know, I just-

"They're good, aren't they?" a soft voiced interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at the person. It was a beautiful girl who I'd heard some chatter about. She sat with us at the lunch table.

I nodded, as a reply. I smiled, looking back at Noya. He was really good at this. I looked back up at the pretty girl. "Hello, I'm [l/n] [y/n]. You're the other manager, correct?"

"Yes. I'm Kiyoko Shimizu. You're very pretty. I've heard chatter about you from the third years," she greeted, quietly. I scoffed in disbelief. This gorgeous girl calling me pretty? Alright.

"You're very beautiful, Kiyoko-senpai, too. Thank you!" I smiled largely, catching the attention of some of the boys on the court.

"How has God blessed us with such a sight?" cried Tanaka, before he broke down into tears and prayed up. Everyone laughed except for Kageyama and Tsukishima, but even Kageyama cracked a smile in response to Tanaka's weird talking.

unrelated to the story but oh my fucking god kageyama pls rail me omg please please please ple

This was going to be a fun time...


this one got pretty spicy oh no O_o

should i add more or less fluffy stuff?? or more or less lemony things?

in case u didnt catch on, you are really pretty, but you doesnt know and you're insecure ;((

lol any requests or recommendations??

thank u all for reading my true loves <3

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