Chapter 15: Caught

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Nishinoya and I sharply flung our eyes to the door, mortified.

There stood Hinata, Tanaka, Sugawara, Daichi, Bokuto, Kuroo, and Yatchi, jaws all dropped. 

Nishinoya hid me by pressing his back into me. I put my hands on his shoulder and peeked my head over his shoulders to still be able to see what was going on.

"Noya, I..." Sugawara trailed off, petrified. Tanaka stifled his laughter while still managing to look extremely surprised.

There I was, shirtless with tiny, tiny shorts and Noya with no shirt or shorts. Thank God our undergarments were still intact. A few more seconds and they'd walk into a far worse scene.

Yatchi was bright red with wide eyes before she bowed her apologies and ran away, taking a confused Hinata with her. Kuroo was laughing hard- almost like a hyena?- with Bokuto doubling over by his side. Tanaka smacked his forehead, embarrassed for us, while still giggling.

I pulled Noya around so that his back was to the boys.

I silently thanked God our undergarments were still intact once more. I was curved around Noya in a way that was 100% not safe for work, if you know what I mean.

I stood there, hidden behind a sweet, still erect Noya. I was in better condition to be covering someone, but Nishinoya still went in front of me. Kinda sweet, I guess. In better circumstances, a gesture like this would be nice.

I pulled Noya around so that his back was to the boys, still keeping myself pressed against him. He mouthed a subtle "thank you" before slinging his hand around my waist.

"I... Noya, w-what the hell is happening right now?" Daichi sputtered. He turned around after struggling to tear his eyes away from my slightly exposed cleavage.

"I'm really sorry, Daichi-senpai! We'll get dressed right now! Just... please turn around?" Noya offered.

We watched all the boys turn around. Tanaka slammed the door shut, leaving the only light source as the dim lamp like earlier, rather than the moon and distant city lights helping it out.

I quickly threw on my shirt, not bothering to tie it up or anything fancy. My hair was a mess from being thrown around constantly, but it's not like it'd bothered me in the moment.

Nishinoya looked down at his hard-on and breathed out sharply in an aggravated tone while putting his pants on. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, failing to stifle a giggle.

"You think this is funny?" Noya asked in a somewhat mock-annoyed tone.

"No, no, I'm sorry Yuu-senpai," I apologized, still laughing a bit.

"Don't say that!" Noya turned himself around. My mouth formed an "o" shape and I blushed harshly. I forgot how Yuu got when I said that.

We dressed up and walked out, unaware of how crazy we looked. Mine and Noya's hair were all messed up, a thin layer of sweat covering both our bodies. My shirt was way over-sized and it looked like I'd thrown on the first thing I saw. Nishinoya 's pants and shirt were a bit messed up, his pants sagging a bit and his shirt wrinkled and misplaced.

Yuu put a hand around my waist and pulled me close like he was trying to shield me from embarrassment. I held his hand in place and shoved myself as close to him as possible.

The boys other than Suga and Daichi were laughing the whole way back down to the training camp. A large group of boys from random schools awaited our arrival and they groaned in protest when they saw me and Nishi's current states, knowing what had happened. Or rather, what was about to happen.

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