The Beginning

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It all started when Naruto was taken out of the orphanage and placed into an apartment that was located in the worst part of the village. The Third Hokage hated having to put the small 5-year old in an apartment all by himself but he didn't have much choice. Hiruzen knew that Kushina would curse him for putting her child in such a horrible place, but he had to. Homura and Koharu along with Danzo weren't letting up on the fact that Naruto should be made into a weapon for Konoha either. To keep the child away from those three, he made the decision to take him from the orphanage and place him into an apartment where he would be watched at all times.

Naruto being the small child he was, was excited about his new home. No more being bullied by the other kids at the orphanage, no more being yelled at by the woman that ran said orphanage, and no more being forced to sleep outside. Even if the apartment was run down and was molding in different places, he still had a smile as he looked at Hiruzen. "Thanks, Jiji! It's so awesome! I can't believe this whole place is all mine!" Naruto said as he ran and hugged the old man. Hiruzen chuckled from Naruto's enthusiasm that reminded him of Kushina. He pat the blondes hair, "Well I'm glad you like it Naruto. It's not a lot but it'll have to do until I can find somewhere better for you." Hiruzen said as he looked at the young child. Naruto just smiled and nodded. 

Hiruzen kneeled in front of Naruto with a serious look, "Now Naruto, I will be coming by when I am able to. But sometimes I won't be able to. So in my place, I'll have some nice people visit in my absence." Once Hiruzen had said that, two Anbu appeared on either side of him. Naruto looked at the two masked figures with huge blue curious eyes. Hiruzen smiled, "These two will be the ones to look after you when I am unable to." Hiruzen said, looking at the one to his right first. "Weasel, you will introduce yourself first. You're allowed to remove your mask and state your name." Hiruzen said and Weasel gave a nod, he removed his mask and gave the blonde a soft smile. "Hello Naruto, my name is Itachi. I'm honored to be able to look after you." Itachi said as he bowed to the blonde.

Naruto giggled and hugged the man with long black hair. "You're really pretty 'Tachi!" Naruto said with a huge smile. Hiruzen and Itachi couldn't help the chuckles that escaped them. Itachi ruffled the blonde locks and put his mask back on. Hiruzen looked over to the Anbu that was on his left. "Your turn Inu, you'll do the same as Weasel." Inu nodded to his Hokage's words and removed his mask. Naruto looked over to the man called Inu and walked up to him. Inu looked down at the blonde child, his silver gravity-defying hair that was tilted to the left caught Naruto's eye first. "My name is Kakashi." The man said with a smile that was hidden under a black mask that covered most of his face, leaving his eyes and up uncovered. Naruto stared at the weird man, he scanned the man's face, he looked from the scar that was on his left eye and looked to his mismatched eyes. His right eye being an onyx black and his left being a blood red. Naruto tilted his head and smiled pointing at the man, "Your eyes are weird 'Kashi!" Naruto giggled happily. Kakashi chuckled at the blonde and put his mask back on. Hiruzen smiled, glad that Naruto welcomed the two Anbu with open arms. "I'm pleased that you aren't scared of these two." Hiruzen said as he ruffled Naruto's sun-kissed hair. Naruto smiled his huge bright smile and looked up at the aging Hokage. "Of course Jiji! 'Tachi and 'Kashi are really cool!" Naruto said giggling.

Hiruzen smiled with a nod, he looked in those bright blue eyes that reminded him of the deceased Fourth Hokage. "Also Naruto, you can only say their names when you're here. Only you and I are allowed to know their names ok?" Hiruzen explained as Naruto looked at him and nodded. "Yes sir." Naruto said. Hiruzen gave the boy a soft smile. "Thank you Naruto. I must be leaving now, Weasel and Inu will stay here to help you get comfortable in your new home. I'll come by tomorrow to take you to get yourself clothes and food." Hiruzen said as Naruto gasped. "Can we get ramen from Ichiraku too!?" Naruto exclaimed excitedly and cheered when Hiruzen gave him a nod of approval. Naruto gave the Hokage one last hug before he left and dragged Itachi along with Kakashi to his new room. 

The night calmed when the blond finally fell asleep on his new bed. The two Anbu sighed with relief that the energetic child was finally knocked out for the night. Weasel tucked Naruto in and left with Inu to their posts that let them see the apartment Naruto now resided in. The Hokage sat in his office staring at the bright white moon that stood high up in the dark sky. He knew the child would be safe with Weasel and Inu looking after him since those two did not hold a grudge against the blonde that was the container of the Nine-Tailed beast that attacked their village 5 years ago, killing most Konoha Shinobi at the time along with Naruto's parents. The blonde had no idea that a being was sealed inside him and he had no idea who his parents were, the Hokage was determined to keep it that way.

Though, he knew it wouldn't last long. The villagers hate growing more with each passing moment. Minato had made Hiruzen promise that Naruto's heritage would not be made known until he was older. Hiruzen sighed at the memory of his comrade, knowing why Minato made him promise such a thing. All anyone knew was that Naruto was an Uzumaki, no one except the council, the Hokage, and Inu knew of Naruto's connection to the Namikaze Hokage. Hiruzen sighed once again as he closed his eyes smoking on his smoke pipe. 'I hope I'm able to keep that boy safe...but nothing in the Shinobi world is guaranteed.' Hiruzen thought as he got back to his mountain of paperwork.


So there's the first chapter! I know I publish and then removed all my creations because I lose interest or I don't like the story anymore but I have a really good feeling about this one! Especially since it's one of my OTP's from Naruto the anime! Give me feedback so I know what you all think!

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